Top off tank???good idea or not??

I have a 29gal tank not in use. I thought I would use it for a topping off tank. If I put a pump and heater in it I can use it to get my water ready for a water change or just topping off the sump. It would also allow me to isolate new fish before I put them in my tank. Any thoughts????

150 main tank
55 gal middle tank
40 gal sump
29 gal top off tank???

I don't know if I want it automatic or manual. If I put a float in the sump I could use it for automatic top off. But I was thinking it might be better to hold the water off until after I did my gravel clean. I can safely take out 15 gals out of the sump without running the pump dry. That way I would be replacing more of the old water with new and not just mixing in new water all the time.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
well, with what i am talking about you wouldn't want the water going back into the sump during a w/c because it would be fresh water not salt water. i was thinking you could use it as an automatic top off to compensate for evaporation. during a w/c you would have to unplug the pump in that part of the system

I still thinking of my freshwater I guess. For some reason I was thinking of adding saltwater to the tank for evaporated water. ( the salt doesn't evaporate just the water) I have been trying to read everything I can on saltwater before switching....I have alot to learn!!!!! My old teacher said "If you do not learn something new every day are doing something wrong!!!" Nobody knows everything...but we can try to learn everything we can.
Thanks for all the information everybody gives and let me apologize for any stupid questions.