Topwater film

My 50 gal. oscar tank has a film on the surface and its bugging me and my fish. You can't notice it till you break the surface, what can I do about this? Also I have extremely tea colored water from my two big pieces of welaby wood which is pissing me off, cause I soaked and boiled them I don't know how many times already and their still leaching!


Large Fish
Jun 8, 2003
When i had my wood in the water i noticed that it was still leaching some brown sap stuff, if you rubbed it off you could notice a clouse of brown sorta spread into the tank. I got some bristlenose catfish who seemed to suck all that brown slime off the wood and now finaly my tank is crystal clear. My suggestion is get some catfish it worked for me.

cheers aron.

Jul 9, 2003
i have this and im not sure what causes it, i have a completly imagined and made up theory by me about it though which is that water evaporates and what is left behind forms this "film". i thought of this because if you leave a cup full of coke out for a day or so it does this also.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
It might be a a biofilm of bacteria - try breaking the surface with water flow and checking for nitrates and phosphates to make sure tank hygiene is ok. Alternatively it might just be chemical so try a polyfilter. What is in the tank other than an oscar
Brown water can be a pain - polyfilter again, or carbon, else do water changes and suffer.