torn/eaten fin on two bettas


Large Fish
Oct 16, 2006
I just moved my fish from my ten gal to my 30 gal and i was moving my other betta tanks on the bottom of the double stand and my dad grabbed my betta which i cupped before i moved his tank and he dumped him in my 30 gal.My betta which was in my 30 gal at the time attacked my betta which my dad had dumped in their and i removed them but no before their was some damage what should i do to insure that they won't get fin rot? *i also can not buy any medications at this moment*

Both bettas are in clean tanks just cleaned today with aged water.

Jan 5, 2007
i have used melafix on my betta (got attacked by another fish) but he has now got a "fur" like coating at the ends of his damaged fins. This has only occured after we have put him in a hospital tank and started to use melafix. is this a normal reaction?

Edited: Its ok the "fur disappered a few days later, it was like he was peeling!

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