I'm just drawing up some ideas for a 20 long that I have in mind. I haven't seen any carpet plants around Toronto yet (glosso, riccia, etc), just wondering if anyone knows where I can get some.
There should be some glossostigma at the local Aquarium Services and/or Superpet. or at least there was when I last checked. the Dundas St aq. services sometimes has good plant selection. Have you tried one of the aquarium societies around the GTA?
Man Ive heard Big Als is very cool. I wish I was nearer to toronto, my selection of plants id usually if i get there when they arrive good, or theyve been picked and alls thats left is brown dieing plants...
I enjoy looking at the big 800 gallon planted discus tank at the Mississauga location. however their big african tank keeps getting uglier and uglier. last time I was in there i saw scats. ugh, brackish. and tetras. Tetras? puleese.