Tragedy has struck! Help, please.


Large Fish
Sep 26, 2005
Well, I lost four angels in 24 hours yesterday and I'm not sure why. I have noticed that they have been hanging out near the top of the tank lately and they haven't been eating. They also haven't shown their usuall aggression. It makes me sad because I lost my only known female.

As far as paramaters go Nitrates are high, but that is the only problem, everything else is fine. I'm trying to get the nitrates down. What is the best way to do that? I always have problems with it. I did a water change thursday and I've changed the carbon in the filter today (was a little over due:eek:, but will due better:eek: ). Temperature is about 81 degrees F (where it usually is).

I'm now left with Strider and a new angel I got yesterday (in between loosing so many fish, I had only lost one at the time) that hasn't been named. Strider is still not eating and is hanging out near the top and I'm still worried. I don't want to loose them and before I can replace the others I need to get this problem solved. If you can help I'd appreaciate it.


Large Fish
May 5, 2006
Are they gasping for air? Hanging out at the top of the aquarium listlessly might mean the water doesn't have enough dissolved oxygen in it. Do you have a bubble wand? Is your filter flow adequately breaking the surface/moving water around?

The best way to get NitrAtes down is through frequent small volume water changes. Keep up on them and you should see your nitrates drop. Maybe cut back on feedings, especially if they aren't eating anything.

I don't know what is wrong but maybe those are a couple things to consider. Good luck and I really hope your remaining fish make it through. ;)


Large Fish
Sep 26, 2005
:( Now I've lost Strider.:(

Well, yes and no on the bubble wand. I have a bubble wand, but it doesn't work because it's connected to a bigger thing that bubbles (a waterfall), and I have a sunken ship that bubbles as well. I did turn up the air flow before they died to see if it would help. Obviously it didn't. I might try putting the cap in the filter out put though, that would create a current, but if it helps....Strider did seem to be gasping towards the end there. Strange thing is that my other fish, the livebearers, the bettas, bottom dwellers, and the barbs are just fine. No signs of distress from them.

This last angel is not so listless as the others were for he does swim around the tank, but he's not eating. He tries to eat, but then he spits what he eats out. Another thing I noticed before my other angels died is that they hung out near the heater. Also towards the end Strider's stomach seemed to get bigger than it had been before. I don't know if he was bloated of not, because he wasn't eating and a few days ago his stomach wasn't that big. I was going to try feeding him a pea, but it's too late now. I only feed twice a day, sometimes only once, but usually twice.

Thanks for your help. If there is anymore I can say that might determine what's going on, let me know.


Large Fish
May 5, 2006
I am very sorry to hear about your loss. I wish I could provide some more insight but I've never kept Angelfish, all I can do is offer you generic advice that I've heard elsewhere. ;) if you have bubbling things then I would venture to guess that dissolved oxygen isn't an issue, especially if your other fish are not at the top gasping for air as well. We can probably rule that out.

I wonder if it could've been some kind of internal parasite? Especially with the bloated belly thing. Maybe someone who keeps angels can chime in here and offer some more pointed advice.

Again, best of luck with the one you have remaining.


Superstar Fish
Aug 26, 2006
Thule, Greenland
What do you mean by high nitrAtes? A number would be helpful. If it is a canstant problem you should think about adding some live plants. They will use the nitrAte as food and help lower it. This still should not replace the weekly water change. I would hold off on getting any more new fish intil you can find out what caused the deaths.



Large Fish
Sep 26, 2005
Well, I've officially lost all my angels in less than a week. :(

Nirates are usually a problem for me, what I mean by high nirates is between 80 and 160 :eek: (according to the strips which I know are not the best, but are what I can do for now).

I would add real plants if I knew how to care for them and the tank without making it difficult and without having them over fill the tank (if you know what I mean). I read posts of people with real plants and it seems they have to have a bunch of things to keep them a live. If what I have now will help them live then, I'll start looking into it. Though, I'm not sure how I'd clean the gravel in the tank with live plants. I usually vaccum it. Would I still do that? Like I said, I'm not too knowledgeable about live plants in aquariums.

Setup (this has been running for about three years)
40 gallon stretch hex tank with:
404 fluval filter
300 watt heater (temp is about 81F, like usual)
Tetratec Deep water 96 Air pump
Tetra Whisper Air Pump (for up to 60 gallons)
18w Florescent Bulb

Current Stocking
3 Female bettas
2 long fin rosy barbs
4 mickey mouse platies
4 pineapple swordtails
1 kuhli loach (sp?)
1 pleco (supposed to go to my brother-in-law when he gets his tank going:rolleyes: )
2 Upside down Catfish

I'm not sure if feeding was the problem because one of the angels that died was a little one I'd just bought and he'd eaten the night before and then he died, but then maybe he didn't die of the same thing, maybe other fish got to him.

I find it werid really because non of my other fish are suffering.

No, like I said, I don't plain on replacing any other fish til I know what's going on and eliminate the problem. Also until my stock gets a little smaller.

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