Transforming Cherry Shrimp


Large Fish
Aug 20, 2007
Palm Springs
A while ago I got two cherry shrimp, one got eaten right away so a few weeks later I got 3 more which were a bit smaller then my original one. For the last few weeks I have only seen one, this one looked quite bright red all over. Yesterday I saw one that was pretty big but it was more pink and had the red speckles instead of being solid in color like the one I usually see. So I was wondering if this could be the same one after shedding its exoskeleton. Do they have a different color to them right after they shed? Or am I seeing a different shrimp than usual?


Large Fish
Mar 3, 2007
90 degrees north
Females are red all over.
Males have red lines and are mostly clear.

I have so many, I could not tell you what they look like after they shed, as there is no way to keep track of just one shrimp, short of setting up one alone in a tank.