Transitioning Turtles to outdoor pond.

Apr 25, 2007
Lancaster, Ca.
My son has two turtles, a red-eared slider and a painted turtle. The issue is that the red-eared slider has grown to roughly 12 inches in diameter and seriously outgrown the tank they are in. The tank is a 60 gallon with about 45 gallons of water and two Magnum 350 canister filters. I know it is not large enough for a big animal like the slider. The painted turtle is about a fourth of the size of the slider with a carapace of about 4 inches in diameter.

We plan on moving next month and the house we're moving to has a 200 gallon outdoor pond. I was going to transfer the turtles to that pond and bring them in during the winter. We get warm days in the Spring and Summer so heat shouldn't be a problem. I think they'll get better vitamin D doses from the sun and not a lamp. I am just curious what procedure if any we should take to transition them? I plan to put a fence are the pond area to keep the dog out and wire over it to keep the hawks out. I am not too worried about cats because the painted turtle is fast and the red-eared slider is almost as big as they are.


Large Fish
Mar 3, 2007
90 degrees north
Make sure you have the fence about a foot into the ground to keep them in.

Where are you located?
It is easier to help you if we knew a little bit about where you are at?
USA? Canada?

How we would respond would be different from say Miami or Thunder Bay.

To start off, I would take them outside on days that get above 60F.
It it is going to get below 50F that night, bring them back in.

As well as a basking place, make sure they have a place where they can get out of the sun to cool down.

Welcome to MFT!

Apr 25, 2007
Lancaster, Ca.

I am actually in the Mojave Desert of California. About 60 or so miles northeast of Los Angeles. This weekend it will be in the 90s here during the summer it will be over the 100 degree mark. In Winter it can get below zero, though I will definately bring them inside when it gets cooler in November. There is a lot of greenery in the area of the pond as well as several rocks with direct sunlight for basking.


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Ugh... thanks for reminding me that I want a turtle pond LOL...

Good luck with your turtles... I really like that you care enough to do this for them, not enough people take the time or put in the effort. I don't see turtles as an indoor pet (of course young turtles and overwintering are exceptions).