Treament for Goldfish with Ich??


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
I think my GOldfish may have Ich. There appears to be a few white dots on their tails and fins, nowhere else. The tank temperature is about 78-80 degrees due to the summer heat. The Goldfish don't seem to mind, but I can't make the tank cooler. I've heard of treatments like Quick-Cure being sensitive to light, deadly to fish if used improperly, etc. I want to know what I could do to treat them. They already have salt in the tank, I added around 1/2 of what it's "supposed to be." It says add 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons so I should have 11 tablespoons in the tank, when I only added around 5 tablespoons.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
For tropicals you crank the heat up slowly to around 86, but for goldfish I'd keep the temp around 80. Increase the salt to about 1tsp per gallon. Do frequent water changes and vacuum the gravel really thoroughly. You may want to add extra aeration as the warmer water holds less oxygen. Let us know how it goes!!!


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
You could probably get away with treating your goldfish as a normal tropical for a few days and turn up the heat to 85 without killing it. Just keep in mind that it'll need more food, produce more waste and require more oxygen. Just don't keep the heat on for any longer than you really need it up there. Goldfish aren't coldwater fish. They're temperate water fish. They can hang for a while.