Treated tank for ick...

Apr 21, 2005
Houston Texas
I just got done treating my tank for ick.I used the kick ick and i think we finly won the battle,but no one told me that its not good to use that stuff if you got a reef tank.So after i treated the tank all the coreal looked real stressed out.Eeverything seemed to come back but our leather and our anenome still look real bad.A piece of the leather died but the anenome is sucked into a ball and all that shows is a little of its arms are whatever thay are called.I did a water chang and put a charcol filter right above the bialballs but thay still look like thay are not doin good.So if anyone knows what i need to do please let me know because this is my first salt water tank and we where doin real good till we got the ick.Thanks everyone.

Apr 21, 2005
Houston Texas
I used kick-ich and it took care of everything.alot of my coral are doing real good but its just the leather and the anenome that are looking bad.I got a 65 gal tank and i did a 20 gal. water chang last thursday and im goin to do a 5 gal water chang this thursday.If i had to break it down and start ocer how would i go about doin that?That QT tank what does that do?I dont mean to be buging yall but everyone on here seems to know what thay are talking about.Thanks for everything


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
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it is simply a sterile tank with littel to no decorations and no corals or inhabitants and it is used to treat sick fish/inhabitants with chemicals so that they dont damage your display tank


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I have a nasty suspicion that Kick Ich hasn't worked, and will be back en masse in a couple of days. It has a terrible reputatio for simply being rubbish and ineffective.

Apr 21, 2005
Houston Texas
Thanks everyone for everything but i think my tank is comming back.Anyone who reads this and there fish has ich DONT use kick-ich it sucks.I will put a pic of my tank on here if someone would let me know how to go about doing that.


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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there are 2 methods. The first one is hosting the file in myfishtank but has 50 k limit. The second one is the best one ..use the image tag : you can see it when you write a post, it looks like a yellow post card. Anyways, the only yellow icon.

"Enter the text to be formatted" means that you must enter a link where your picture is hosted ( outside myfishtank ), like : http://blablabla/images/ddfsdfsd.jpg
. You can host files at or other sites. The usually permit big size images.
Anyways, once you 1) host the file elsewhere and 2) put it in the image tag, the image should be visible once you posted.

That's it