treating fish


Large Fish
Dec 30, 2002
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when buying new fish and adding them to your established tank would it hurt to treat them for illness just in case?,, would it affect your allready established fish any

Dec 11, 2002
Flint, Michigan
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Hey Lightning I wouldn't add new fish to your main tank until you have quarantined the fish for at least 3 weeks to make sure the new fish has no diseases because you don't want to give it to all your fish and I'm telling you from experience because I put a new fish in my big tank and it contaminated the whole tank so I had to treat every fish for a disease they didn't have yet which hurt them until they actually caught the disease themself by then they were so bad from medication that the disease made it worse. I ended up losing 8 very expensive fish out of 16 and then I had to keep treating the tank for another 2 weeks after the remaining fish finally got better. I'm telling you it's really worth quarantining the fish first or you will have to go through a big mess like I did.

Reguarding your question though it would be ok to medicate the fish but don't use a full dose it shouldn't hurt them.

Well good luck.


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Large Fish
Dec 30, 2002
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it has happed to me 2 times, now, i put perfectly healty looking - acting fish in my tank, and a couple days later it starts looking different, then one of my allready established fish is acting funny, and i treat the whole tank, eventually it seams i loose 1 or 2,, never fails, i lost my firemouth just the other day,,

Dec 11, 2002
Flint, Michigan
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I have had very good luck with Rid Ich + it will cure most common diseases and it has malachite Green in it which is a dye. Well my suggestion to you is to just get the fish your wanting put it in a q-tank for at least 3 weeks and you can treat it if you want or just keep the fish in there and if it has any diseases it will show in that time period then after the quarantine period put the fish in your main tank. Make sure you keep the water conditions in the q-tank the same as your main tank so that when you put your fish in the main tank it will be right at home. Well good luck let us know how you do.
