I have a 30g heavily planted tank with about 30 tetras (cardinals, glo-lights, rummy nose). I also have 6 pinapple swords and 3 small silver dollar fish. I also have lots of pond and malaysian trumpet snails which serve to keep the algae at bay.
The silver dollar fish, which I've had for about two weeks, have a few very small white spots on them. There are about 5 or 6 of these spots on each side of each fish. They are salt grain sized. Looks like ick to me, but I've only had it once before, a long time ago, and I'm not completely positive.
I've seen advice to treat at half dosage for twice as long when tetras are in the tank. I have some malachite green based ick medication that says to use one drop per gallon per day. Will half dosage be the best option for dealing with the ick? Will it kill the snails off?
The silver dollar fish, which I've had for about two weeks, have a few very small white spots on them. There are about 5 or 6 of these spots on each side of each fish. They are salt grain sized. Looks like ick to me, but I've only had it once before, a long time ago, and I'm not completely positive.
I've seen advice to treat at half dosage for twice as long when tetras are in the tank. I have some malachite green based ick medication that says to use one drop per gallon per day. Will half dosage be the best option for dealing with the ick? Will it kill the snails off?