Treating water


Large Fish
Mar 1, 2006
Oneida, NY
I have an Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Tap Water filter (Aquarium Water Quality: Tap Water Filter) that I have used for several years with my freshwater tank. As I do my research in preparation to set up my saltwater tank, I was wondering if is a good enough unit to purify the water that I will need to set up the tank and do water changes with. Do I need an RO/DI unit or will this work?

Once I have the DI water, do I need to add any supplements or does the salt take care of that?

Right now I am leaning toward an Oceanic 58 Gallon Reef tank but there is a good chance this will change.


Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
It's better than just using tap water. My tap water is actually pretty good so that is all I use. The salt water will add all the stuff you need. Now, if you keep clams or have a lot of corals then you will need to supplement. I use reef crystals and it contains all the 'stuff' I need. Doing weekly water changes replenish the stuff as well. I would recommend the RO unit.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Test your tap water for tds and for phosphates & silcates as these are what the ro removes and if you test out okay........welcome to life without ro/di.......though eventually you may want to get one