Tripple-Tailed Fish!


Medium Fish
Jun 11, 2010
Thought you fish people (myself included) might be interested in seeing a fish with 3 tails.

Last edited:
Dec 14, 2009
wow i couldnt help but notice how overstocked you are :0.. its reccomended that goldfish has a minimum of 20g each due to the large amounts of waste they produce and potential size.

the picture is cool :)


Medium Fish
Jun 11, 2010
Oh my I just realized when looking at my signature it looks like I have 12 and 13 inch fish in there haha! Better fix that. I meant like I have one 2 inch, one 3 inch, and so on.

Thanks for the info, but I am raising my goldfish a certain way based on my goldfish book. Its gonna be ok at least for a while, but when they start to get bigger I will definately move them up to a larger tank. (I know this is going to create alot of controversy lol.) The 10g is only temparary (no clue how to spell sorry) and not intended as a grow-out tank. I will move them up to larger and larger tanks as they grow. But don't worry the betta's aren't in with the goldfish haha some ppl think so.

And thanks :) lately I've been getting into photographing. A hard skill to master when it comes to close ups hee hee.

Last edited:
Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
Their growth can be stunted incredibly in such a small space, so it's unlikely that they'll get bigger. Does your book say to upgrade tanks every so often? I personally believe that it's much easier to buy a 60 gallon tank instead of upgrading to a 20 gallon, then a 30 gallon, and so on. If you upgrade constantly, it's more expensive and you risk having a mini-cycle each time, even if you add established media.


Medium Fish
Jun 11, 2010
Yes, the book reccomends about once a year or when they have grown an inch larger. And yes it is probably easier to just get the 60g and not have to worry. However due to limited space until I move out, I am going to have to do it the slow way. If I keep upgrading there will be no stunting.

Thanks Achase :) He's a mutant - but a very cute mutant. XD It wasn't until I brought him home I realized he