There was a problem with my plants that caused me to have my net in the tank (... dont ask). Anyway once I was done I removed the net without realizing my sailfin molly was caught inside (I looked, just with other stuff in the net I didnt see the fish). Once I realized he was there I ran to put him back in the tank, only he was caught in the net, I had to pull him out with my hand. When he finnaly got free in the tank he went in a vertical position and started spazzing out, then went on his side. I paniked and tried to recatch him to put him in the isolation unit (I dont know why I thought this would help, I was paniking) anyway I think it made him worse after trying to catch him. In the end I left him alone. Hes still in the vertical position. Do you think he will be okay? I hate to say this, but should I somehow put him out of his misery?