Troubles breeding the Albino kribs....

I need some help with the albino kribs. I am trying to breed them again. I know that they are paired together cause every night when i turn their light off, the female goes pink and the male follows her into the cave with excitement( i would also...:D). But every time i think that they have had eggs, no luck. Now i know that there are some krib breeders on here that can help me(*cough BigV cough*)by giving me their tips and all that stuff. I am going to get some pics of them so you can see. Sorry for the bad pics, their alittle shy....

Here they are before moved back into the breeding tank.

I am hoping to breed them and get alot of fry cause i know alot of LFS here in Utah that are interested in their fry if i can breed them. So if i can get some help i will be glad!

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
This is giving me a case of deja-vu here, silver dollars. lol
Didn't we PM about this and determine that they were maybe still a bit young yet?

Refresh my memory...I'm getting old...can't keep track of things anymore. :p


Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Hmm...then in that case, I dunno.
I just threw mine together in the 38 gallon tank with angels and tetras, and they spawned quite readily. They then subsequently spawned in the 10 gallon tank that I moved them to.

I swear, they were the perfect krib couple.
I'm now looking back and wishing I would have kept them. :eek:

Anyway, I'm not sure what to suggest other than just give them time. Don't even reach into their tank or disturb them in the least bit, if you can help it. If they are meant to spawn, it will happen...just trust in it and don't go upturning their cave(s) to check for eggs all the time. :rolleyes:

Other than that, perhaps feeding/temp. is an issue?
What do you feed them, and what is the temp. kept at?
How frequent/% waterchanges are you doing?


Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Water-changes sound a little excessive. 2 gallons once per week oughta take care of bioload issues just fine---just keep an eye on nitrAtes to be sure. Try not to disturb anything either as you're doing the siphoning/vacuuming.

Also, maybe try a sinking African cichlid pellet that contains a little more in the way of veggie-type stuff. I used HBH 'African Cichlid Attack' small sinking pellets...worked great.


Jan 13, 2007
i was able to get my kribs breeding by giving live foods.
i gave blood worms and wham bam thank you mam.... and then he killed the female.

ever since then i havent been able to get a good pairing. all lfs in my area seem to not want to carry adult size kribs. right now i have to females dying to breed but no male for them.