True Percula Clownfish?


Medium Fish
Jan 14, 2008
I added two true percula clownfish to my tank last saturday (my tank params are perfect). The promblem is, the two clownfish are inverted and hanging around at the back of the tank all the time. I have 40 lbs of live rock in a cave layout with lots of areas for the fish to hide in. Yet the clown fish haven't even gone close to the rocks. Is this normal? Any help would be great.

(Ohh the clown fish are wild caught and have strarted to eat frozen food about 3 days ago)


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
especially wild caught. I question why someone would buy wild stock when captive bred are so easily accessible and put little strain on the natural resource, are hardier and less likely to carry pathogenic disease such as ich and brooklynella and velvet. Please keep a very close watch on these two, look for any signs of stress as these are usually the precursors to these diseases. If they are hanging around upside down I wonder if they are okay. Can you please post a pic? And don't add any other fish to this tank unless they are quarantined so you don't infect these guys if they are healthy