Truly confounded! Any ideas?

Bull M

Small Fish
Feb 22, 2005
So much for any sleep tonight....

Here's the situation; Decided to check in on my tank before bed, and to my suprise I find one of my clowns rubbing on the bottom, and swimming around into tank decorations/tank wall, etc. He had a whiteish coating, so I figured a disease was involved.

Haven't added anything new to the tank in the last month and a half, so I was naturally perplexed. Anyway, I decided that a freshwater bath, and a trip into a quarantine tank were in order. Left him in the dip for about two and a half minutes, then into the QT. He seems to be perfectly fine now.... Test levels in the main tank are all well within normal, and the other fish are okay... Maybe my clown was just.... Clowning around?!


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
Its called clownfish disease...very deadly. I would put hime in quarantine and treat it with acombination of malachite and formulite. Also dip him twice a day with malachite or formalite. This disease once shown can kill a fish in a few days, also move th other clown over too becasue he might be infected.

PS. I have had tons of wild caught clowns come down with this and die in a day or two.

Bull M

Small Fish
Feb 22, 2005
I had thought about it being CF disease, but my clowns are tank bred according to my LFS guy.... I've quarantined both of my clowns, and they both continue to be okay thus far. Will be continuing with the dips just to be on the safe side, however. With luck I've caught it early enough. I'll keep you all updated. :)

Bull M

Small Fish
Feb 22, 2005
So far so good.... Both clowns are acting normally, and eating well. They'll be getting another dip tonight, and get transferred to the bare bottom QT I've been working very hard on to get set up for this situation. I took your suggestion Sam, and got some Malachite to help out, Thus far, looks good, though.


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
Visit site
Have you tried garlic with fish food ?
Supposed to be a good parasite killer, like the cryptocaryosis.
The active ingredient in garlic is allicin..wich attacks parasites in the stomach The ph of garlic is 3, and protozoans can be killed easily with it. Formula 2 food that i have is prepared with garlic ( the dry one ), and even tough it's for herbivores, my clown loves it...even more than frozen.
When i bought my perc, he had 2 black dots on the scales and a very pale color...and i did 3 days of 1 hour drips with Seachem's Paraguard ( containing mainly malachite green ). The clown refused to be cleaned by the cleaner skunk shrimp, so i had to get rid of the parasites with dips and garlic based food. Now, no more spots.

It's not the same stuff your clown has but garlic looks like a magical remedy.

S.Reef seems to be the clownfish pro

Bull M

Small Fish
Feb 22, 2005
Lol, yeah my Perc's don't much care for my cleaner shrimp either. I have to go down the the LFS tonight for some rosies (FW tank) anyway, so I'll pick up some garlic. I've heard of mixed results but it can't hurt to try. I've also been advised to pick up some selcon additive in which to soak my food. The crew from WWM suggested that I go with it as well, as they've all had great results with it.

Again, I'll keep y'all posted as time goes on.