Many months ago the lfs gave me some
trumpet snails ... said it would be good
since I had an UGF etc to have them....
They burrow in the gravel etc....
Well, 6 weeks ago I removed the UGF
and about half the larger portion of the
gravel.... (strained out the larger pieces)....
The tank is planted with serveral java ferns
and contains about 25 tetras, and 6 small
Now since the UGF filter removal I have
been fighting green slime.... but I have
also noticed that I have a tremendous
about of trumpet snails.
I vaccumed the tank the other day...
a little bit of gravel went into the
bucket...afterwards I looked closely
at the gravel and noticed a hugh amount
of baby trumpet snails....
Now I am wondering if having too many
trumpet snails will cause a probem?
If so... how do reduce their numbers.
If anybody wants any trumpet snails....
come by and I'll give you as many as
you want... I am in south florida.
trumpet snails ... said it would be good
since I had an UGF etc to have them....
They burrow in the gravel etc....
Well, 6 weeks ago I removed the UGF
and about half the larger portion of the
gravel.... (strained out the larger pieces)....
The tank is planted with serveral java ferns
and contains about 25 tetras, and 6 small
Now since the UGF filter removal I have
been fighting green slime.... but I have
also noticed that I have a tremendous
about of trumpet snails.
I vaccumed the tank the other day...
a little bit of gravel went into the
bucket...afterwards I looked closely
at the gravel and noticed a hugh amount
of baby trumpet snails....
Now I am wondering if having too many
trumpet snails will cause a probem?
If so... how do reduce their numbers.
If anybody wants any trumpet snails....
come by and I'll give you as many as
you want... I am in south florida.
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