Trumpit Snail Breeding

Nov 23, 2010
First I guess I should start by explaining my knowledge on the subject (which isn't much). I use to own a 29 gallon tank 4 years ago in the dorms. Fish were the only pets we could have, and walmart the only place we could buy supplies. Me and my roommate decided upon a bala shark and a 1.5 gallon fish tank. (yes I know that is much to small lol!) The guy a walmart had NO idea what he was doing and told us that it would be fine for one and we didn't have to do ANYTHING to tap to make it fish friendly (pretty sure you all know what comes next). Needless to say he was dead a few hours later. When I took him back walmart actually sent someone who kinda knew what they were talking about to help us. Explaining that bala sharks like to swim we might want a larger fish tank and showing us the aquasafe. So we bought a 29 gallon fish tank and everything (so we thought) we needed. Our supplies were..... lacking. They just consisted of decorations, gravel, a SIMPLE filter, aquasafe, and probably 150 dollars worth of 3 dollar fish. After we set up the tank and took out the chlorine we just threw our fish in. Quickly we saw problems as NUMEROUS fish started to die everyday. Finally I looked online for help, but it was much to late. We saw everything from ick, to aggressive fish beating up docile fish, to ammonia poisoning. Eventually after the last one died (which was the hardy pleco or one tiger barb not sure which really) we packed everything up and said screw it.

Well about a month ago my uncle decided he was going to help me set up a fish tank and show me how to do it right. He got me a ten gallon that he showed me how to cycle BEFORE buying fish and bought me 12 glofish, a small pleco from the same tank as the glofish (explaining that its use to the same water conditions already as the glofish), and accidently in the gravel a trumpit snail. First came 3 glofish (and the surprise visitor though I didn't notice tell later). Then a week later 4 more glofish, and a week later the last three and the pleco. I am now starting to put back together the 29 gallon in hopes to get a few more glofish, and have a sick tank or something. Everyone gets along well now though in the ten gallon and I have plenty of decorations for the pleco to hide and the glofish to swim through. They are actually pretty entertaining to watch as they are very active fish that love to swim against the currant of my two filters and chase eachother around through the log and castle. At night they generally hide in the jungle of fake/real plants I have though. But that's when I see the snail and pleco finally. This is where I come to my question....

My uncle knew all about all the animals he actually bought... But doesn't know anything about the snail. We researched it to figure out its a trumpit snail to make sure it wasn't gonna damage all my living plants. Well when I as doing my research I read that trumpit snails are very good in fish tanks as long as the population is controlled, but also read they are live bearing snails and aren't hermaphrodites. Does this mean I would need a second one if I want more? If that first one was in the gravel is there a chance there are just more little ones to small to see in there too? Then if I have a pleco should I not have both in my 29 gallon tank?

My last question is sort of off this topic though (and sorry for rambling I know this is a lot lol) but how should I go about moving them? Should it be a few at a time or could I move all the fish at once?



Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
What're you using as a substrate? Trumpet snails are beneficial if you have sand, especially since you mentioned you have live plants.
In my experience, if you accidentally got one snail, your accidentally probably got more than one snail. The baby snails are very tiny, so maybe you just haven't seen them, and like Fishman said, they do tend to come out at night. I was also under the impression that just one snail could reproduce, so if you're interested in having more you may just need to wait a little while and then you will. As far as controlling the population, that just means don't overfeed your fish because the snails will eat the left overs, and as long as there's food there'll be a continuous amount of new snails.

Nov 23, 2010
I've got a small pebble base in my ten gallon. Mostly black with a few neon colored pebbles, but I ordered sand for the 29 gallon. Is sand better for the snail? I've done the night check so that I could truly enjoy my pleco and that's when I noticed the snail, but he was the only one I saw. When I did the research on snails it says most are hermaphrodites and lay eggs but the trumpit snail is one of few that are live barring and are not.... So I hope there are a few small ones I don't see. I also don't know if it matters if its male or female to if they can reproduce or how to tell the difference.

I rarely over feed (maybe a dime size or smaller once a day between twelve active fish doesn't seem to go far). Also does the pleco eat the decaying food too or just algae? Don't really want him stealing all the food seeing as I rarely put sinking food because (he/she?) is so small (about 2 inches at best). Then can I keep the snails with the pleco or should I make them separate tanks? Walmart put them together but that also doesn't tell me much...

Nov 23, 2010
Oh I might wanna add that I do 15%-20% water changes every two days because there are so many fish, and the two filters I have are cheap walmart filters. Should I not do that so there might be some food in the gravel?


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
Trumpet snails, henceforth known as MTS, do prefer sand since they're burrowers, but I think they'll be okay with gravel.
Plecos will eat food, or pretty much anything that's on the bottom of the tank that they can get ahold of that won't run away. This includes algae, left over food, vegetables, or even dead fish.