trying my luck with a new betta


Large Fish
Mar 10, 2003
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I have had no luck whatsoever with male beattas since starting to keep fish early this year. I tried to follow all advice given here and on various websites, but to no avail. For one reason or another they just didn't last. I never got the chance to name them , simply because by the time that fantastic name jumped into my head, they had already passed into fishy heaven!
Sad, I know.
Well, THIS time....I let my cycled- previously- stocked-but-now-empty 10 gallon tank sit for a while to make sure all was well.

Then, I went out and bought a beautiful male betta. In the lps he was mostly petrol blue, with tints of red on his fins, but once i got him home he seemed to be green/blue/purple/red! Awsome! I said I'd never named any of my bettas before ( so sorry if I'm waffling :) ) But on the way home from the lps, the name hit me like a bolt of lightening! SIRIUS.

The name suits him, and he is still healthy 4 days on. He wasnt taking advantage of the full tank though, for some reason he stayed on one half. so I bought a divider and put it in. He loves the smaller tank and is much more active now. I'm not sure what to do with the other side of the tank yet, a male or a female perhaps. We'll see.

I'll try to post pics of sirius soon. My camera doesn't take very good close-ups though. So fingers crossed.

And sorry to bore you , but I'm HAPPY!

Ta for listening.

Mar 11, 2003
Sorry about your tough time with bettas. My friend had the same problem. She lost about 4 bettas within a month. I believe it was either a) she didn't dechlorinate the water or b) it was too cold downstairs in her bedroom. Glad to hear your new one is okay! Good Luck with him!



Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Congrats! I like the name, star names are cool! I would not suggest a male/female divided tank. I tried it once, but I think in restrospect I should not have because not the pair will not mate together.

A 10gal is pretty big, so even split up two male bettas would be lucky to share the space together (divided of course)

See how Sirius does, then maybe think about a tankmate.


Large Fish
Mar 10, 2003
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Yeah angel....I do like to read Harry Potter books....they're my sons.....honest.

Sorry it's taking so long to post a pic of Sirius but I have no idea how to resize my photo so it's smaller.

I hope you all think he is worth the wait, I certainly do, although my camera takes dodgy pics. :(