Trying to recycle a tank


Medium Fish
Dec 6, 2012
As in recycle- not re-cycle. :D

I am moving up from a 10 gallon set up to my very first 29 gallon. I plan on moving my tetras (neons and black skirts) into the new tank and using the old tank as a duplex for my two bettas.

They are currently each in their own 3 gallon tanks, but I am searching for a divider for the 10 gallon so they can be in there together. Would this work? Or should I just plant the 10 gallon and leave the bettas where they are? I assumed the bigger living space would be a good thing for them both.

Any thoughts welcome.


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
For my old 10 gallon tank I made my own divider with plexiglass and drilled small holes throughout it to allow the water to flow.
Depending on the fit you can put it in place or silicon it in place. There are also lots of dividers on the market that will fit a 10 gallon.
I did this exact thing before and I have used both divider methods.