Tubes, extentions and stuff

I am wanting to make some tubing for my water changes.

Basically some tubing that is attached to the tank that I can hook a hose up to that I can use to siphon water out then use to pump water back into the tank.

My LFS's stink, they are just holes in the wall.

Can I go to the local Home Cheapo and use PVC?

What about sealant?

Wanna make sure I dont use anything toxic.


Oct 22, 2002
I use PVC all the time! Most of my fitting are just slip or forced, not using sealants! You can use 100% silicon though which I use to build my tanks!

There is a new pipe out! Before, houses used copper pipes for plumbing! Now they have a PVC pipe that come in 1/2" and 3/4" sizes. They work really good also! You can buy valves, t's, 90's, 45's, etc and easily connect them together using a crimping tool! I dont remember what its called right now but Home Depot has it!

If you check out my yahoo album, you can see some plumbing on my tanks!

Thanks all.

Got every thing I needed at Lowes including an on/off valve for $8.00.

Now I simply attach a hose to the plumbing coming from the tank, attach the other end to my penguin power head and sit in in a 20 gallon container of my pre-processed water.

Works great, no holding buckets over the tank, no disturbance of the substrate or fish and no water on my hard wood floor :)