I've had Harry since Feb in a 5.5 divided tank,. AC mini, ph 7.4 applesnail and live plants for company. The other side of the tank is identical (the filter is shared- foam and biomax, no carbon, set on LOW FLOW).
This tank gets 50% waterchanges 2xweekly with gravel vac, with dechlor only added. Temp is 78.
Harry and his tankmate Ozzy (the betta on the other side of the divider) get flakes, freezedried/frozen bloodworms, a 1/2 pea a week, BS treat, BettaMin, Betta BioGold, 1/2 algae wafer for the snail a week ( they nibble, then devour the wafer). The filter media is rinsed in tankwater each month. Ammo 0, nitrItes 0, nitrAtes<40 before the w/c.
Well, Harry has what looks like a bump on his side. I'ts been getting bigger for 2 weeks. He's as active and happy as ever. He also has what looks like cataracts on his eyes. Is he just old? Constipated? (epsom salts are out as far as meds are concerned-the apllesnails wouldn't be happy). He sees just fine, and he's a pig as always, and greets me happily when I sit at the puter desk.
Should I med? Should I just increase the w/c? Or should I just face the fact that he's probably just aging? Ozzy, on the other side, bought at the same time, and housed identically is his usual big fat happy sassy self.
Thanks betta folk...he's a sweet guy, in no observable stress, I was just wondering if bettas get tumours, and if they do, can anyone share what has worked for them?
I've had Harry since Feb in a 5.5 divided tank,. AC mini, ph 7.4 applesnail and live plants for company. The other side of the tank is identical (the filter is shared- foam and biomax, no carbon, set on LOW FLOW).
This tank gets 50% waterchanges 2xweekly with gravel vac, with dechlor only added. Temp is 78.
Harry and his tankmate Ozzy (the betta on the other side of the divider) get flakes, freezedried/frozen bloodworms, a 1/2 pea a week, BS treat, BettaMin, Betta BioGold, 1/2 algae wafer for the snail a week ( they nibble, then devour the wafer). The filter media is rinsed in tankwater each month. Ammo 0, nitrItes 0, nitrAtes<40 before the w/c.
Well, Harry has what looks like a bump on his side. I'ts been getting bigger for 2 weeks. He's as active and happy as ever. He also has what looks like cataracts on his eyes. Is he just old? Constipated? (epsom salts are out as far as meds are concerned-the apllesnails wouldn't be happy). He sees just fine, and he's a pig as always, and greets me happily when I sit at the puter desk.
Should I med? Should I just increase the w/c? Or should I just face the fact that he's probably just aging? Ozzy, on the other side, bought at the same time, and housed identically is his usual big fat happy sassy self.
Thanks betta folk...he's a sweet guy, in no observable stress, I was just wondering if bettas get tumours, and if they do, can anyone share what has worked for them?