Turbo Snails


Small Fish
Jan 29, 2006
Please help I have a 55 gal saltwater tank.I have a yellow tang and a niger triger and have no problems.Ever time I put snails in the tank they hook on to the side and look great.Within about 6 hours they will be laying on the bottom of the tank closed up.They will not open back up just lay there till they die.Have tested everything and it shows up fine.I do have a tan almost brown alige growing on the sand don't have a clue what it is or if that is what is killing the snails.



Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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Ok first of all, the tang and trigger will need a bigger tank as they grow. As for your snails, how do you acclimate them? The drip method seems to work as long as you do it for at least an hour.
Your snails are probably dying because you didn't acclimate slow enough. They are extremely delicate and do not tolerate drastic changes in water quality. My next guess would be something in your water (heavy metals) that doesn't agree with them.
The tan algae sounds like diatoms--is this a new tank? Just give it time and the diatoms will run out of fuel.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Well you could be unlucky, and that might be a toxic algae. Other than that it could be acclimation. Try a different species of snail from another source.

Turbos can be hardy, can be difficult. I killed all of mine over 2 or 3 days once, no idea how....