Turn For the Worst


Superstar Fish
Jan 4, 2006
Kalifornia, Silicon Valley

Eddie is really bad off now I came in this morning and he was Nose down in teh rocks and breathing was very labored.

I put him in a hospital tank with Fungus meds and a lamp so I hope this helps.

I did email his owner and told her about him and I haven't heard back yet.
I truely don't think he will make it over the wkend myself.

I am prepared for that.

Any other ideas that I can do to help him please let ne know.


Superstar Fish
Jan 4, 2006
Kalifornia, Silicon Valley
At lunch I went to talk to my fish guru Joan at the pet store and I told her what was wrong with eddie and she said it's to late for him if he is head down( that is what he has) for what ever was making him ill in the first place has now gone to his head and he his a gonner.

So when I got back from lunch I looked at him and said to myself "I need to put him out of his mizery!"

So I added some Alcohol to his water and he is still going.

He was before I added anything flayling around in the tank and it's so hard to watch.
even flipper is over there watching him flip around on the bottom of the bowl so I had to put a barrier up so that he would'nt see Eddie in such distress.

No all one is to do is wait for him to pass.

Man I feel awful he was sucha good fish too. i will miss him.

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
I am very sorry Nina! Poor little guy.*SICK* Maybe Eddie will pull off a miracle.. When Mr Lee was ill he sank to the bottom and was so weak and it took a lot to swim his breathing was so rapid he was like that for about two weeks. They were two of one of the most agonizing weeks I ever had.

Is his belly still bloated? It is a chance he might have a tumor instead of a bloat. My UB had gooten a lump near his one front fin when he got ill. It's awful when they get sick and old but you gave Eddie your best and he is a lucky Betta to have you caring for him.


Large Fish
Aug 1, 2005
Sorry to hear about eddie. :(

I don't know why everyone was getting angry with Pure. This may sound cold, but he's only a fish. And what the owner doesn't know won't hurt him. If the option of replacing eddie is still open, do it. I know that sounds bad, I get upset too when one of my fish dies, but you gotta do what u gotta do.