-Turning to you guys-

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
ok, lol. here we go, I dont know what to do. I know we have had many ick threads in the past, but I am in a pinch. I have a 120, fully setablished, with a sigapore angle, yellow tang, clown clarkie, clown tang, aruga butterfly, 5-6 damsels, dragon wrass. ok my butter, clown tang, and yellow tang have ick, Freekin happend over night. I have recorces, ( I work at a fish store)---should I bring them all in and treat?? and what do I treat with?

I am having a huge party in a week, SUCKS!!! help,. please...

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
ok, screw that, I think the bf, is a no go with the copper, but crap man, this happend over night, I also have tankl at work that are almost 100% cleaner shrim lol, Im wondering should i put them in there?

would you guys advise me to stay away from "all natual ick meds" personlay, i think there all crap and jack your tank// ahhhHH

Jul 29, 2005
Sunny Cali & Rainy England
Sean, I would buy a 20 gallon or something from work and set up a hospital / quarantine tank. Failing that, bring them in to work (if they are cool with you doing that) and treat them there.
You've GOT to start quarantining, especially now because you have a larger set up and as such are putting so much more in jeopardy. Could you quarantine at work? Perhaps you could put your intended purchase in that big bowfront tank for a few weeks before bringing it home? If they are giving you the option to treat your sick fish at work, surely they'll give you the option to quarantine there too.
As for the Ick medicines, I can't really comment. Other than saying that prevention is so much better than cure.
Good luck buddy.


Medium Fish
Apr 12, 2006
Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico
u should dip them in fresh water for like 1 minute or 45 seconds and put the in a QTank with quik cure that will do the trick and stabilize ur big tank temperature since ink tends to develop when the tank has temp fluctuations ur tank should not flucktuate 1 max 2 degress in temp betwen day and night if its going more than that ur gonna have problems


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
the parasites live under the skin so there really is no way to "pop" them off...you have to QT and treat for a good 4-6 weeks in order to assure you kill the little guys when they are in their free swimming state

Jul 29, 2005
Sunny Cali & Rainy England
*SICK* No offense Sean but I think the only way I will buy from Pet Extreme now is if the fish is still in it's bag, or if it's an invert I'm interested in.
I wonder if a person has any right to compensation if you can prove that a fish purchased from a store has infected your existing livestock? I doubt it. I'm sure most stores will have some small print hidden somewhere which covers them for that.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Why should they. Treat everything as if it's infected - it likely is.

If you have store resources you need a big tank or var, heater, cycled internal or cannister filter and a lot of salt and water. Then treat with copper and/or hypo. the bf is good with either. Tangs and angels can be fragile with copper.

Ich is not hard to cure if you try properly.

Freshwater dips are worth nothing. Shrimp and cleaner wrasse are likewise noneffective.