Two spot ich?

Jan 1, 2010
I have a single Ember Tetra that had two spots on its pelvic fin yesterday. Today, it's down to just one.

Did one of the spots disappear, because a Trophont left the fish and it's now in the substrate making babies?

So the one Ember with a spot is not showing any other signs of illness. No lethargy. No loss of appetite. Nothing. It's not scratching itself on rock or driftwood.

All the other fish are very healthy, active and showing great colors.

1) Can Ich start off as just two spots?

2) Should I risk treating the tank, even though no other fish is showing signs? I've heard healthy fish can fight off Ich. Is this true?

3) Should I risk turning up the temperature and stressing out the fish? I have a couple Scarlet Badis that prefer temperatures at 75°F.

4) Should I add aquarium salt? I have invertebrates and Pygmy Cory Catfish.

The tank is fairly heavily planted and it seems a lot of medications don't work with live plants, invertebrates or tetras.



Large Fish
Apr 29, 2009
I've had ich start as one spot and multiply to five the next day. It'd be best if you had another tank to use as a hospital tank. That way you don't have to treat your whole tank and all the fish.

Jan 5, 2010
vancouver bc
A main symptom of ich is rubbing against things.
It usually starts off as less bumps and over time they multiply and take over your fishes body.
You can raise your water temperature to about 82 F it helps
If you do decided to add drops or even the fizzing pills be careful if you have scaleless fish (you'll usually have to quaranteen them or only do half dosage etc.), and don't forget to take out your carbon in your filter.

Like rexytexel said though, having a hospital tank for sick fish is always best!!

Jan 1, 2010
Quick update. 2 days into the heat treatment, 3 other fish got symptoms, but the original fish cleared up. 4 days into the treatment, all fish cleared up. 6 days into the heat treatment, the heater broke. It's been a month. All the tetras are clear, no other spots. Keeping my fingers crossed.