Two Tens


Large Fish
Mar 12, 2003
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Hey folks, got a challenge for ya!

I got two ten gallons im using to seperate my 4 african cichlids till i get my 55+ gallon tank. When I do, im going to have two tens that im not going to have any idea what to put in them. Ones currently live planted and setup over 5 months. The other is newly cycled with sand and one itty bitty plant.

So I was thinking...

One tank a breeding tank for...something. Not sure what. Ive wanted to breed my Zebra/Leapord danio's for a while but theyre being stubborn.

Im looking for some exotic stuff. Some stuff you dont see every day. Maybe some dwarf breeds, puffers, bumblebee goby's (ive wanted bumblebee goby's ever since i first saw them at my LFS).

I was also debating the idea of having a male convict cichlid in one tank and a female in the other and once in a while putting them together to breed. Might be fun.

Any suggestions?
Remember: Colorful. Cute. Exotic.
Something that would make my girlfriend go, "Aww, its so cute!" almost every time she see's it, like the bumblebee goby's.

Any ideas, folks? Im open!


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
why would any one want to breed convicts.i mean do you really want that much trouble?it can be so hard to get rid of convict babys(btw i have though of collecting some from the spring i was talking about in the other thread)most lfs have a very constiant supplty thanks to the fact that convicts breed so easly. as far as the danios the reason you are having trouble is probably that they are breeding and they eat the eggs so fast you don't know it.danios spawn readly but are very notorious egg eaters.i like the bumblebee goby idea they are cool fish.i'm don't know how well they would mix with dwarf puffers but it should work as both fish have similar temprements.


Large Fish
Mar 12, 2003
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Well, remember I have two tens i can use. I could use the dwarf puffers in one and goby's in another. But puffers dont do well with others of thier own kind ive heard. And freshwater ones dont puff up, which is what i want! ;)

So you like goby's? Do you own any?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
not yet i wish i had some gobys but my enthusiasm for amazon fish allways takes up my time.i kinda want a round goby,the kind that are a pest in the great lakes.i like the bumblebee ones though too.i have only observed them in the store i was working at or in friends tanks.the standard dwarf puffer is said to be real mellow for puffers and i thnk they are brackish but don't hold me to that.most the other puffers get too big for a ten.figure 8 puffers are cool too but i think they get large.dwarf puffer don't get more than an inch i think.i'll poke around and see what i find.

Oct 22, 2002
let me reiterate what you heard.
Nanos are expensive AND very hard.
They are definatly NOT for the beginner reef keeper.
For a beginner the larger the better.

For general pricing concerns you can calculate your nano as such:
5-10w per gallon is very important.
PC lighting for anything over 12"
MH lighting for anything over 16"

1 pound of live rock per gallon at 4-16$ per pound

tiny bits of coral to grow 10-40$ each

1-3" of fish per 10 gallons assuming you have plenty of filtration

Protein skimmer is a must
Multiple powerheads are a must

10-15 algae eating critters per 10 gallon tank at 1-15$ per critter

Test kits for about 8 different things

RO/DI is very important for healthy corals

3-8 various supplements for your water

It adds up real quick.....


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Corvallis, Or
Aye it does, but sometimes you can get away with out all that stuff.. Been there done that, no irrevisable problems. But, it is pricey. however, there are plenty of other things you could do. In the heavily planted one, what about a breeding pair of Blue rams? or apisos? There colorful, cute, and very pretty. For the other tank, take out ur live plants, throw in some shells, and do breeding colony of N. Multifascius shell dwellers.

Oct 22, 2002
only against nanos for REEF AQUARIUM newbies.....
if you haven't kept a reef for over 2-3 years you probably aren't gonna be able to keep a nano for over 6 months

Last edited:


Large Fish
Mar 12, 2003
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Anyway, about the blue rams. Theyre cichlids. And i dont think it would be a good thing to take OUT cichlids only to put more in there. I saw some really tiny puffers at the LFS. They were cute. Im still undecided.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The two 10 gallon tanks are great to keep empty for when your african cichlids breed.

You could keep them running and add ammonia every so often to keep biological filter running, but why bother. when you can just add water, match the chemistry, and move over a couple of rocks.

Bingo, instant mouthbrooder/fry tank.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Hey Slacker, If I had two empty 10 gallon tanks I think I would try to breed the danios. Everyone says that the key for breeding them is to have big gravel or ground cover for their eggs to fall into before they can eat it...and then do regular vaccuming of the gravel and put that water in the second tank. The gunk from the gravel/waste etc is enough to feed the fry until they're big enough for you to see. NOT an expert here...but if I had two tanks free THATS what I would try :)