Types of Angels - Anyone keeps them?


Large Fish
May 2, 2004
I am so attracted to the angels that I'm considering to make my planted tank a home to a school of angels. Maybe 4-6.

Any of you can share your experiece with Angel fish , especially in a planted tank.

Thanks :)

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Well, they need about 10gals to every fish...I would suggest a 50-55gal...no less for 4-6 angels. (Adults) Angels are great...and will look great in a planted tank. I like the ones that most resemble wilds...or are wilds in a planted tank the best. Be sure the plants arn't a jungle and there is open swimming room.

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Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
Visit site
It seems Angels fall into two broad catagories - the tank bred "colour hybrids"- and the natural coloured ones, such as Altums etc.

I have 4 marbled in a 4ft 55 - http://www.freewebs.com/purples/Angel.JPG - they tend to pair up, so stick with even numbers. There is no agression with other types of fish I have, but they do squabble amongst themselves a bit - though it never does any harm. Very gracefull movers, they eat falling flake when it goes in, then they surface feed, or gently pick stray bits from the plants. Out of 6 live plants in the tank, they chewed up one of them, and left the others alone. It seems they like delicate leaf shapes rather than the broad ones.

I've found them to be fairly peacefull - but they do have a bad rep for having a go at slow moving smaller fish - so watch what you keep them with


Large Fish
May 2, 2004
Thanks Cichlid-Man & Purple.

I had a few angels when I was little (9years old) and I can hardly remember how they were like. All my fishes were in real bad hands then, since my dad who gave me the aquarium then was not a serious hobbyist himself. He just wanted to please the girl who refused to go when we went to the fish store.

With my tank size, I can start at 4 from young adults then.

Purple, love your marbel angels. I see them once in a while in a LFS here. The more common ones are the marbled ones but no tint of yellow though.

The Altums are quite pricey here and also in high demand.
I prefer this natural tone especially that stripe that runs down the eye part. I don't know what term you use to describe that feature.

Any good read ups on the types and demands of angels that you have came across?

Have you managed to get yours to spawn so far?

Do you think the following plants are suitable for the angels?
If not, which is the one that should go.

1) Watersprite (Ceratopteris thalictroides)
2) Wisteria (Hygrophila difformis)
3) Rotala wallichii (Rotala wallichii)
4) Italian Val (Vallisneria spiralis)
5) Tonina fluviatalis (Tonina fluvitalis)
6) Asian Ambulia (Limnophila sessiliflor)
7) Carolina fanwort (Cabomba carolina)
8) Corkscrew val (Vallisneria americana v. 'Biwaensis')
9) Echinodorus Uruguayensis (Echinodorus uruguayensis)
10) Limnophila aromatica (Limnophila aromatica)
11) Amazon Sword
12) Java Moss
13) Glosso

Many thanks :)


Large Fish
Sep 23, 2003
TN, India.
Talking bout strains in angels is something like talking bout T-Shirts. There are numerous. But here's a scratch pad:
Natural Strains : Marbled, Silver, Golden, Zebra, Black, Altums & Leopolds angels
Developed Strains : Koi, Blushers, Veil Tails, PearlScales, Albinos, Half-Blacks, Sunsets and the list goes on & on.
If u ever come across an altum or a leopold's angel never miss. They both look alike (have vertical bars) except for altums have a pointed beak like mouth. Both of these are a different species and are the rarest of all angels.
Graceful creatures who comes close to discus when it comes to sheer beauty!
When it comes to plants for angels i'd recomend amazon swords, anubias & java fern. They too like driftwoods in the tank & woods soften ur water too.
For more on angels visit <a href='http://members.aol.com/angelbook/angel8.htm'>Angel Book</a>. Its got everything bout angels


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I've had no problems with angels and the following plants: Spiral val, crypts, Amazon sword, green hygro, java fern, java moss, ludwigia repens. They seem to like long leaves for spawning. Our new angels just spawned on a couple of crypt leaves. It was their first spawn, so I didn't expect it to be sucessful anyway. :)


Large Fish
May 2, 2004
Many thanks, Cichlidian.
That is a very useful resource indeed. :)

Thanks for the reply :)

I was just told by my dad that years ago (10 years when I was away from home studying), one of my angels actually paired and spawned in the tank. My parents didn't know what to do with the frys and only a couple for 2 months.
It gets me more excited now.

I remember seeing your post on the angels spawning. So, it didn't turn out well?

You may like to check out the Aquatic plant section for a link to a hobbyist's homepage on planted thanks and his comments on each.


Large Fish
Aug 29, 2003
I got these from a fishie friend who breeds them. You will not be disappointed with angels. They are personality plus fish and a joy in my tank. I currently have them in a 55 gal. "junk" tank which has a lot of extra plants floating in it. They will eat certain plants, but that's okay with me, as long as they are healthy. They seem to like nibbling on anacharis. They have big appetites!