Thanks Cichlid-Man & Purple.
I had a few angels when I was little (9years old) and I can hardly remember how they were like. All my fishes were in real bad hands then, since my dad who gave me the aquarium then was not a serious hobbyist himself. He just wanted to please the girl who refused to go when we went to the fish store.
With my tank size, I can start at 4 from young adults then.
Purple, love your marbel angels. I see them once in a while in a LFS here. The more common ones are the marbled ones but no tint of yellow though.
The Altums are quite pricey here and also in high demand.
I prefer this natural tone especially that stripe that runs down the eye part. I don't know what term you use to describe that feature.
Any good read ups on the types and demands of angels that you have came across?
Have you managed to get yours to spawn so far?
Do you think the following plants are suitable for the angels?
If not, which is the one that should go.
1) Watersprite (Ceratopteris thalictroides)
2) Wisteria (Hygrophila difformis)
3) Rotala wallichii (Rotala wallichii)
4) Italian Val (Vallisneria spiralis)
5) Tonina fluviatalis (Tonina fluvitalis)
6) Asian Ambulia (Limnophila sessiliflor)
7) Carolina fanwort (Cabomba carolina)
8) Corkscrew val (Vallisneria americana v. 'Biwaensis')
9) Echinodorus Uruguayensis (Echinodorus uruguayensis)
10) Limnophila aromatica (Limnophila aromatica)
11) Amazon Sword
12) Java Moss
13) Glosso
Many thanks