UGF and earthworms


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I got around to tearing down my planted 20g X-high tank which housed some lemon tetras, a clown pleco, and a pair blue rams.....

This tank had a UGF and a nice think layer of gravel...about 4" deep....

My wife was good enuf to sort through the gravel and pull out all the trumpet horn snails... and while doing so found about 4 earthworms.
I had feed some worms to the fish about 4 or 5 months ago. It seems as though the worms have been doing quite well living in the gravel.

Anyway.. their is one less UGF in use ..... and my feather-fin synodontis appreciated the worms.

(still have to remove UGF in 55g, the next project)


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