Hey Folks,
I've got a German Blue Ram who has developed a whitish lumpy patch on the side of his head, and he is extremely bloated and looking pale overall. I have just recently added a co2 infusion system, but aside from that not much has changed recently. Is my Ram doomed to die, or will he get better? If anyone reading this recognizes the problem he has and knows if there's a way to help him, I'd surely appreciate it. Thanks!
I've got a German Blue Ram who has developed a whitish lumpy patch on the side of his head, and he is extremely bloated and looking pale overall. I have just recently added a co2 infusion system, but aside from that not much has changed recently. Is my Ram doomed to die, or will he get better? If anyone reading this recognizes the problem he has and knows if there's a way to help him, I'd surely appreciate it. Thanks!