ughh....cichlid persuasion....again

so someone else *couf couf soulfish cough cough* persuaded me from getting convicts to rams. from all the research ive been doing, they only say what to get in the tank. do they have any habits, like fin nipping, the stupid sites wont tell me habits!!! oh, and does anyone know a good plant to go with rams? thanks


Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
rams are extremely docile, so fin-nipping wont be a problem at all. while i am not a plant person, i think that most of the hardy plants out there work just fine.

the only warning i give is that rams are not very hardy IMO and others opinions. even under the best of aquarium conditions these guys have never lived longer than several months for me.

after reading one of my cichlid atlases i think that their long-term survivalship depends upon having water that matches their natural water conditions -- soft and low ph.