uhhh Help

Mar 29, 2004
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I have a 10gallon tank.
What kind of heater(s) should i put i a 10 gallon tank?
What kind of filter(s) should i put in a 10 gallon tank?

I have 2 filters. It is a "Smallworld" filter. My friend who bought it for me said it is a sponge filter. It has a sponge in it, but it bubbles up at the top. I have another filter (a 3rd one) that is a "Top Fin 10." It doesnt have a flow control knob and the current is too strong for the betta(S), so i dont use it. I just use the Smallworld filters, Even though i cant tell if the filters work or not.
I dont have any heater(s) because i dont know what kind to get or where to buy it. Plus i dont know if i should get one because my tank is NOT glass.


Superstar Fish
Feb 27, 2004
Dallas, TX
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From what you mentioned, I would probably go with the TopFin filter for a number of reasons:

1.) It is designed for a 10 gallon aquarium and the "Smallworld" is intended primarilly for betta bowls and the like which are typically no larger than 3 gallons.

2.) I think internal filters are rather unattractive. Internal sponge filters are great for fry or quarantine tanks where form is definitely secondary to function.

3.) Air pumps tend to be noisy and diaphragms need frequent replacement.

Now on to the heater part:

It is usually suggested that a heater provide 5 watts per gallon. In this case, you would need 50 watts. I strongly recommend a fully submersible type. Visi-Therm and Ebo-Jager are highly regarded brands. Most pet stores carry one or the other (if not both), or they can be ordered online from drsfostersmith, Petsmart.com or others. HTH

EDIT: Since the suction cups keep the heater some distance away from the tank wall, there won't be a problem regardless of the material the tank is made from.

Last edited:
Mar 29, 2004
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Thanks for the help TurbineSurgeon, but instead of taking your advice of the filter thing...i just followed the thing i planned to do. I have 2 filters in my tank. The Smallworld Filter and a Fluval Underwater Filter. The Fluval is for tanks up to 12 gallons. I still dont have a heater though. I cant seem to find the right type. If anyone has any advice for me, please reply to this.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Ok, I have a few bettas, heated, maybe I can help...

Any heater, from 50w to 150w will do, and I suggest a Ebo-Jager submersible 100w heater. Anything from 5w to 15w per gallon is fine in tanks over 5gallons. The Ebo's are a great brand and seem to last the longest. Also, 100w heaters are pretty common and likely the same price as a 50w.

As far as filter, a whisper internal or small powerhead with filter adapter will do fine. Sponge and under gravel fitlers are fine for biological filtration, but if you are looking for mechanical (floaties) or chemical (carbon), you need some sort of motorized filter. The top-fin 10 will work, but the surface agitation will prevent the betta from building a bubble nest.
