
Hmmm...I can tell I'm gonna hafta do a little lurking here before I post anything anywhere else.

But that's not the point of this post. This one's here for me to say hi so that's what I'm doing--obviously.
I almsot feel embarrassed to say this but I have a 5 gal. tank and a smaller tank that could have been used for a rodent, but has a fish in it instead. there's, uh, no room in my house for anything else.
Since everybody seems to be saying this: I currently have two guppies(m and f), two dalmation mollies(m and f with lyre-tail), and a chinese algae eater in my aquarium and a pretty blue betta in the smaller tank.
Yeah, well, that's basically it.


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
Welcome and yes, any tank size is a good place to start. But beware -- after reading this board aftera while, you might find yourself wanting to move to fit more tanks in, or start thinking about shelving units, etc. etc. :)


Medium Fish
Mar 24, 2003
Visit site
Welcome aboard!!! Don't worry about having a small tank, I have a small 7 gallon bowed tank, because that's all the will fit on my dresser. dana307 is right though, despite all the problems you might have, this is an addictive hobby. I am already planning how to get a 55 gallon long and a 95 gallon corner unit into my house!!! I never knew fish could be sooo addictive....I want pea puffers next!!!