i moved one of my convicts into a new ten gallon and i didn't cover it so it jumped out of the tank this morning. i think it was out of water 10-20 min bf i caught on, i know i know call me irresponsible, but i really didn't know convicts could jump like that. he was pretty dry when i did find him, but i put him in a little 1 gallon goldfish bowl (b/c he's only an inch long) so the other guys couldn't pick on him, then i put 1/4 tsp of doc wellfishes aquarium salt in to help him. so far he looks like he's in shock, he isn't dead yet b/c he's still breathing (but heavily) and he stays right side up, does anyone think he can make it and still have a good quality of life, like you know so he's not like mentally retarded or something???? i feel pretty dumb and all talking about the fish like this but i'm kind of attatched, surely someone can understand. i think his pals urged him to commit suicide. well just wanna know if i did the right thing, i couldn't have brought myself to flush him, he wasn't dead yet.