ummm help????


Medium Fish
Sep 13, 2003
i moved one of my convicts into a new ten gallon and i didn't cover it so it jumped out of the tank this morning. i think it was out of water 10-20 min bf i caught on, i know i know call me irresponsible, but i really didn't know convicts could jump like that. he was pretty dry when i did find him, but i put him in a little 1 gallon goldfish bowl (b/c he's only an inch long) so the other guys couldn't pick on him, then i put 1/4 tsp of doc wellfishes aquarium salt in to help him. so far he looks like he's in shock, he isn't dead yet b/c he's still breathing (but heavily) and he stays right side up, does anyone think he can make it and still have a good quality of life, like you know so he's not like mentally retarded or something???? i feel pretty dumb and all talking about the fish like this but i'm kind of attatched, surely someone can understand. i think his pals urged him to commit suicide. :confused: well just wanna know if i did the right thing, i couldn't have brought myself to flush him, he wasn't dead yet.:confused:


Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
Visit site
i just did the same thing the other day with an African cichlid(my cousins been trying to unload his fish at my house so he can get new stuff:() it was pretty dried out, but he re-hydrated and survived( until he jumped out of the pond i put him in and one a my dogs ate him)

he brought over all these fish for me to "watch" for him, the main problem is that theyre in 5 gallon buckets, and im not about to put them in my tank(my Jack Dempsy already got his butt handed to him by a fish that my cousin thought would look "cool" in my tank, and didnt think to ASK ME before putting it in, i got home and was like "okay.... where the hell did you come from?! and my poor JD was cowering in the corner, beat to heck. hes okay now but, he still hides alot.

i say you did the right thing:D karma points*thumbsups


Medium Fish
Sep 13, 2003
hope the little guy makes it
& i definantly have my eye on him, he's portable now that he's in the goldfish bowl. he's a little dusty b/c he fell behind the fish tank stand, but he could still make it, put in the aquarium salt already b/c it supposed to help the gills, hopefully he will live, still struggling, and from what i've heard about contvicts (as this is my first one) they are probably too tough to die easily. oh and sorry to hear about your dempsey, mine is one of the first tropical fish i had ever bought and he is now one of my favorites (right up there with my firehead)

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
I was told "Convicts could live in a puddle of mud."

It should be ok if is still breathing and right side up. It might just take some time, so just wait and don't rush things.

Just a reminder......any fish can jump at least a little out of water! :D

GL....hope he makes it! I am a big convict cichlid keeper myself.


Medium Fish
Sep 13, 2003
well he didn't make it
it was a very sad thing, he was definantly a great fish except for the whole suicide attempt. at least i still have my other convict the pink one, im really going to have to remember to keep the water level in all of my tanks a little bit lower, just to prevent this kind of thing from happening again, i've only had this problem a couple or times before with molies and bettas, but once again my buddy trial and error has taken another fish. ***sniff, sniff*** oh well must move on, he was a great lil guy.