Unique problem


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Kalamazoo, MI
Well lately I've been having problems with the water being cloudy, but that is just going to take time to fix. Also for a while I've been noticing the the fish crap in the tank is very long. Origingally I thought that maybe the fish had eaten a hair that got in the tank, buy upon further investegation it kept happening. I've mainly noticed it on the bottom feeders, given they don't move about as much. But the other day an iridescent shark died, and I found that his stomach was very large, and that his arse was swollen red. As sad as that is I still haven't figured out what could be causing this, I have looked and it isn't hair getting into the tank. I feed the fish of course flake food, tubifex worms a few times a week and peas occasionaly. Anyone have any idea what could be causing this? Should I stop feeding them tubifex worms? Thanks.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ewwee, don't let the cat eat tinsle! You'll be taking kitty to the vet for intestinal obstruction come Chrismas day and have a miserable time! Poor kitty. I would take the tinsle off and get garland instead.

When fish deficate the tubifex worms, it may appeare elongated. Also, certain species of fish have elongated, string like poop, such as plecos, who go about decorating a tank like garland around a Chirstmas tree with their feces.

Or it could be internal parasites, which may be what caused the anus of your ID shark to become inflamed and the stomach to swell.

The best thing to do now is make sure you keep your water quality top notch, and observe any other fish for signs of abdominal swelling, lack of interest in food, depression, hiding, and just not looking well. If death occures again, do a necropsy on the fish and see if their are parasites in it. Stop feeding tubifex for now and maybe purchase an antibiotic flake.

Something else you could try as well is get a small container of flake food, add some garlic POWDER, mix well, and feed that to your fish once a week. A garlic powder/flake food mix has been reported to keep down occurances of internal parasites.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Northern VA
You said something about your water being cloudy...what color is is? Water quality contributes to alot of disorders. Describe or take a photo of your water. Have you done a water test recently and how often do you do a water change (and vaccum instead of pooper scooper) and how much?


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Kalamazoo, MI
Well it all started for ick treatment that wasn't to friendly to the bacteria in the tank. It's been at least 3 weeks that it's been cloudy, I will try to post a picture of it tommorow, the water is a light greyish color. I've had this pleco for probably a month, it was labeled as a blue phantom pleco, but I believe it is a gold lined royal pleco. I'm at werk right now, I'm not sure if it is still alive :( I just did a water change yesterday w/0 vacuuming. I've just kind of been waiting for this issue to fix itself, but it doesn't seem to be, all of the readings came out as they usually do.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Northern VA
The readings from your tests show what? I had a weird algae growth in my tank. Tests came out perfect. Even took water to 2 lfs(s) and came out perfect. My fish, however, weren't affected, like yours. I got a UV Sterilizer and you wouldn't believe how good my tank looks now, but pricy. Show us a pic and tell us your water test readings.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Well garlic is supposed to be good for your health. Forget why again, but I love it so why wouldn't fish, right? On the other hand my girlfriend hates it.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Kalamazoo, MI
Things are back to normal now. For future reference if my clown loaches break out with ick again, how do I treat the water with salt. I don't want any of my fish to react to it badly. I have 5 albino glo lights, 1 iridescent shark, 3 clown loaches, 5 khuli loaches, a fiddler crab, 1 pleco, 1 farlowella, 3 lace cats, 3 green cory cats, 1 upside down cat, 4 silver dollars, 2 marble hatchet fish, and I believe that is about it, the smallest of the fish are the albina glo lights. I've read that putting salt in the tank helps keep the fish in better health, is this true?