Unknown Cause of Death


Large Fish
Feb 7, 2004
Alexandria, Virginia
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I found my rubberlip pleco dead yesterday in the tank. He was lying on the bottom of the tank, white as a ghost (except for his stomach which was blackish). Probably the worst thing is that I have no idea what killed him. After successful raising a common pleco with no problems when I first just into fishkeeping and had no idea what I was doing (until it was too late), I have now had two rubberlip plecos die on me, each time I have had no idea what was wrong .


Large Fish
Feb 7, 2004
Alexandria, Virginia
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I’m not sure if it was an internal parasite or not. Like I have said before I have had three rubberlip plecos and that is the only fish that continually dies on me (although the second one died within days of me getting it from PetSmart and I tend to think that it had more to do with PetSmart than my tank). And like I only said I had a common pleco that I had thrived and is now living in my girlfriend’s 55 gallon tank. And none of my other fish are dying.

The only theory that I have is that the UpSideDown Catfish could be bullying the rubberlip plecos. And I say that not because I have seen them do that, because I have not seen that with my own eyes at all, but because that is the only difference between my common pleco and my rubberlips, I did not have the USD when I had my common.

I’m thinking about getting a bristlenose pleco, from what I have read about them they can hold their own with other fish. Although bristlenoses cost $20 and rubberlip pleco only cost around $4 or so. I dunno, I really wish I could pin what is killing them down, because I really love having plecos on my tank and I am about a year away from setting up my 75 gallon.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
It's hard because most plecos are wild caught, so you always have the risk that they come to you with something or other. I have gotten my rubberlipped plecos at PetSmart, and they did fine, even though it was a terrible store for fish.

One problem might be your hex tank and lack of oxygen at the bottom. Most plecos need water with a high oxygen content.