I’m not sure if it was an internal parasite or not. Like I have said before I have had three rubberlip plecos and that is the only fish that continually dies on me (although the second one died within days of me getting it from PetSmart and I tend to think that it had more to do with PetSmart than my tank). And like I only said I had a common pleco that I had thrived and is now living in my girlfriend’s 55 gallon tank. And none of my other fish are dying.
The only theory that I have is that the UpSideDown Catfish could be bullying the rubberlip plecos. And I say that not because I have seen them do that, because I have not seen that with my own eyes at all, but because that is the only difference between my common pleco and my rubberlips, I did not have the USD when I had my common.
I’m thinking about getting a bristlenose pleco, from what I have read about them they can hold their own with other fish. Although bristlenoses cost $20 and rubberlip pleco only cost around $4 or so. I dunno, I really wish I could pin what is killing them down, because I really love having plecos on my tank and I am about a year away from setting up my 75 gallon.