Unknown disease...

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
Please help! My dalmatian molly fish, Oreo, is now sick. I noticed one day that she began to flash, and it lasted about a minute. After that, I saw no more flashing. The next day, she developed a pinkish-orangish, slime-looking blob on her right side. Today, I noticed her left eye is yellowy and cloudy. She seems sluggish and at times she will lose her balance and reel backwards into a solid object, whether it is the breeding box or the castle statue sitting in the tank. I’ve seen her do this and even if I’m not watching the tank, I can always hear a thumping sound when she smacks into something. I’m really worried, especially since she is carrying about 80 to 100 fertilized eggs in her stomach. Another thing that might be important to know is another molly I had developed pop eye, which I decided to treat with good hygiene and Epsom salts instead of medication. This fish sadly died. I’m thinking I will have to buy eye medication to treat Oreo’s eye problem. I have been doing regular water changes in the meantime. I also still have Epsom salts in the tank, along with aquarium salt. I lowered the water level so that the water dripping from the filter would add more oxygen into the water. So far, it’s hard to tell if all I’ve been doing is helping. What disease do you think my fish has??? How will it affect her babies? What should I do? *SICK*

I have a 5-gallon tank with 5 fish in it. I’m looking into a used 20 or 25-gallon tank. I’m not sure when I’ll get a bigger tank since I don’t have the money at the moment. (Hence the reason I’m buying a used one.)