Unknown X-rays


Large Fish
Apr 6, 2003
New York
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I bought these guys a while ago and they were named X-Ray fish, I figured they were the pristillas but they dont look anything like them. Their body is completly translucent you can see all their guts and stuff. Their eyes are black, one has the sort of colorations of the pristellas on its fins, but other than that they look different. They are much more X-Ray like than the ones that your site has as x-ray fish, so I am alittle confused, is there a difference between my fish and the pristellas? If so what are my fis


Superstar Fish
Feb 24, 2003
They probably are Pristellas just that yours arnt showing their colors. Look and compare the body shape and distiguish the differences and if its only color then yours are just not showing off their colors.

- depthC


Large Fish
Apr 6, 2003
New York
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Then whats the deal with its eyes being totaly black, and its body being translucent, its body is slightly thinner and its tail fin is sort of broader with a yellowish redish hue to it. You can see its brain which is yellow, and its organs which are redish pink. It looks like a different species than the pristella, but I cant seem to find it anywhere,


Large Fish
Apr 7, 2003
The Milk Carton
this happens a lot with my fish:

when you first get a fish, their colors r nothing of what they r supposed to be like. but a couple of months later, they are spectacular. since you have only had them for about 2 1/2 months, maybe their colors arent full yet

maybe its just about what you feed them, by the way, what do you feed them? just flakes?


Large Fish
Apr 6, 2003
New York
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Um, lets see, THEIR EYES ARE BLACK!!! They are completely different from the regular eyes. Thats my first clue, and I feed them 2 types of flakes and 2 types of pellets, not to mention whatever else they can find in the tank, like fry.

I honestly believe that they are something different than the regular ones, maybe a mutant strain of some sort, I dont know, but I highly doubt it is that their colors have not come out yet.

I might try and post a picture to make this easier.


Superstar Fish
A LOT of fish that aren't heavily pigmented do not show their colors for a long time. Many of the profiles on this fish also say the same thing, and I know that with scissortails, they can be 100% see-through when you buy them, and then when they get home and de-stress/mature, their colors really come through - and yes they do look quite different with color. Maybe yours is just thin or has a slightly different body-build...faded colors sounds more likely than a mutant strain tho...are you sure its even the same kind of fish? or is it just another clear fish.....like a glass tetra, or a scissortail, or whatnot? glass tetras are completely see through (which is cool enough so I can't understand WHY someone would even want a painted tetra- a glass tetra literally INJECTED with die along its spinal chord arg)


Medium Fish
Oct 29, 2002
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My lfs has those tetras you're talking about. They're labeled as 'yellow phantom tetras'. They look like a cross between a pristella and red phantom tetra sorta.
Your guess is as good as mine.:)


New Fish
Jun 27, 2003
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im not sure i understand your problem...

pristella tetras should have the characteristics that you have described of your fish. why is it that you believe that pristella tetras do not have black eyes? or a reddish/yellowish tail?

i am suspecting that perhaps you have gold pristella tetras which are much much more lighter in coloration and therefore highly transparent compared to the regular strain of pristella tetras.

also, juvenile pristella tetras have much more transparent body coloration than that of adult pristellas.

the other board members seem to have given you correct advice regarding the identity of your fish - it is probably just a pristella.

coloration (as well as to some extent, body shape) can vary with stress, environment, genetics, diet, lighting, age, and various other things.

a picture is worth a million words!