Unlikely Perdicament


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I have a silver angel with a body a little bigger than a silver dollar. Yesterday AM when I turned on the lights I found it nose down in one of those prearranged artificial plants with a stone base. Definitely looked dead and not moving. I had to pack lunch and get husband off to work and so it was about an hour before I got back to netting my dead fish out. Turned out he wasn't dead at all, but rather stuck. I have no idea how long he was there and of course, I thought maybe he was sick or weak, but he stayed upright and as soon as I fed the tank he was right there gobbling food. It was strange - for the rest of the day he seemed to be watching me while I was at my computer thanking me for saving his life! Probably my imagination but I am feeling some bonding! lol


Small Fish
Apr 1, 2013
Nottingham, ENGLAND
My angel wouldn't leave the corner of the tank I was sat closest to after I rescued him from a similar situation, only he managed to get inside one of my ornaments then couldn't get out as he was too big to turn himself around whilst in there.
Silly fish.
He doesn't care too much for me now, except at feeding times where he'll come snap the food straight out of my fingers.


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Thyra, was it a plastic or 'silk' plant? Just curious, because the only fake plant I have with a stone type base was a Petco silk plant. I could see my pearl gourami getting into a situation like that. She's constantly going in/out of the decor.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
It was a plastic plant and fairly thick, but also some of the branches were flat and at least one of them seem pressed against the glass. I was just sure that fish was dead - I ran my finger along the glass and there was no movement, so I just thought "Okay, I'll get to it when I get done getting husband out the door for work." I am surprised it didn't drown in that position.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
i can't eat lunch or breakfast. breakfast makes me sick and lunch makes me worthless at work cause all i want to do is take a nap after eating lol. and since i get off work between 10:30 and midnight i usually just get leftovers from supper.


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
You eat once a day.. around midnight?!?

More power to you brother.

I've done 12hr rotating shifts for a long time. I definitely eat more than once a day. Very little beyond midnight, even when I'm on the 5p-5a shift.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
well like tonight i picked up a large pizza and bread sticks and polished it off by myself lol. and then i'm up till about 4-5am. go to bed and get up at about 8-9am to take my dog out and play with her and take a morning walk with her around some corn fields before i go to work. i think the reason i am not a bag of skin and bones is cause i do what they tell u not to if u want to loose weight. i eat before i go to bed lol. But i've been doing this for years and years. my ex gf used to keep me up till 2-3am and then i had to get up at 5am and go to work. once u get used to something u tend to stick to it if it works.