Up Side Down Cats


Large Fish
Feb 7, 2004
Alexandria, Virginia
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I've recently purchased two tiny upside down cats and they are a really cool addition to my tank. I've also kinda funny, they are still pretty small, but the they sometimes chase the dominant fish in the tank (a beatful female betta) around the tank, although it seems to be more play than any thing else. They also seem to like to rough house with each other, chasing each others tail's around and around. And one of the them likes to wear himself out swimming against the bubbles from the bubble wall. Really neat fish.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
upside down cats(usd)are a nice choice to any community tank.
they can grow to about 3inches,and i have heard of some that are a bit larger,but i have never seen any...
they should be kept with some wood or rock overhangs that way they have a place to hang out and hide.left without this provision they become vey secretive.mine love algae wafers,shrimp pellets,frozen bloodworms,spirulina flake,pretty much anything you can think.if you have any questions about them feel free to ask i have had mine for a few years.quite a pleasure to own.
oh and don't worry about the chasing,it's territorial,but i have never seen any damage from it.


Superstar Fish
Feb 27, 2004
Dallas, TX
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I have a couple of them in my 75 gallon planted tank. At least I know I put them in there and haven't taken them out. Sometimes I don't see either of them for weeks at a time. Yesterday, one of them made a brief appearence before going back to wherever it is they hide. Maybe I need to trim my plants....