Update and question


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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Well life has been nonstop busy and I haven't had much time for anything. School is finally done for the semester and now I have a month to myself. I'm still working 25-35 hours a week, but now is my chance to turn my attention back to my aquarium (I should take a full tank pic, but there's not much to see still). I hate to admit it, but my 75 has been running since July and I've only done one small water change since.
The tank is running beautifully: coralline is spreading, the sand bed is developing, and my caulerpa is growing like crazy again. I haven't added any more live rock yet, but I plan on adding around fifty more pounds to my mere 40 or so.
As far as fish go, I still have my clownfish that I've had since day one. He finally decided on Wednesday that he'd host in the Sebae that I've had since March. Amazingly, the anemone is doing ok under 130 watts of PC, and has been doing it since July. I suspect the 2 or 3 times a week feedings are helping a lot. I added a longnose hawkfish back in November and he's doing well.
Currently, I have a tiny (1 and 1/4" at most) Royal Gramma in my QT tank. I group ordered him from saltwaterfish.com and have had him since Tuesday. He's very shy, but he is eating flake. I'm afraid when I add him to my display that the hawkfish will eat him. Anyone know what to do?
Lately I have been crusing the LFSs and I have my eye on some future fishes. How does this sound?
1) Blue Damsel for the heck of it?
2) some sort of Foxface
3) a small tang, maybe a Kole or something similar
4) maybe a Dwarf Angel
5) some sort of sand sifting goby or jawfish
I'm still toying around with a lot of ideas. Hopefully Santa Clause will be nice to me this year and bring me a 4x65watt PC fixture. I know it's not the most economical or effective method of lighting, but it's better than what I have. I'm gonna add my current lighting to this package, so do the math if you wish but I hope 6x65 watts will be adequate for now.
I guess that's it, thanks for reading my novel and thanks for any input.

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
1) Blue Damsel for the heck of it? not a fan. if you went damsel you could opt for chromis instead
2) some sort of Foxface- magnificent foxface, neat fish, Id vote one.
3) a small tang, maybe a Kole or something similar- sounds great, hopefully it doesnt get too pushy with the foxface, maybe add simultaneously
4) maybe a Dwarf Angel- eibls, rustys, or coral beautys are pretty neat, some other choices too, dwarf angels are awesome.
5) some sort of sand sifting goby or jawfish- jawfish are awesome especially in colonies, bluespots are amazing but pricey as Im sure you know. Black caps or pearlys are just as neat.


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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Ha ha yeah I was thinking about a damsel because I wanted something with that sort of color scheme that would always be active. Either a damsel or a Kaudern's Cardinal?
I plan on adding at least one or two more fishes to the tank the week after Christmas, unless I opt to buy more live rock.
Thanks guys.


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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yeah a school of chromis is kewl to watch, and they don't crap a lot. They are a + in a reef, they catch food leftovers really quickly so without 'em my tank would be messier than what it is.
My firend got 11 in a 110g and they really add life and color..


Large Fish
Apr 19, 2006
I quite like blue and blue yellow damsels, and in a 75 they are not a big problem. Cheap colour.
I gave my foxface awayas it was the most stupid , annoying fish I ever had. It was an amazing algae eater tho'.
Fully recommend the Kole, and no tank is complete without an angel.