Update- Are Ghost Shrimp predators? YES!


Small Fish
Jun 23, 2003
Lexington, Ky
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If I had not seen it, I would not have thought it possible. But I lost another Endler yesterday. I checked the water and everything is just where it should be. So I'm checking the tank and this time I dont find ANYTHING left of my smallest endler. Well, today I got 2 yellow sail fin mollies. After I floated them I dumped them in the tank. Now these mollies are prob around 1 1/2" long. As soon as they hit the water one of the shrimp came up from nowhere, grabbed the mollie by the tailfin and started to take it down to the bottom of the tank! Thankfully I had my net close that I could get the shrimp off and save my mollie. Needless to say, the shrimp are now all removed from the tank. I hate to think that my favorite fish met a horrible end from a .25 scavanger:mad: ! Thanks for letting me vent, and be warned any shrimp owners. Charles