Update:  green cloudy water

Oct 22, 2002
The water is still green; I have no lights on in the tank and have covered it with a blanket.  I also took out all the plastic plants and rocks to bleach them...there is only gravel and fish now.  i just did another water change too.
The nitrites are 0, nitrates 0, ammonia 0, but my pH is high...it is normally high right out of the tap.  It seems to be somewhere between 8.5 and 9 according to the color chart...does a high pH make algae grow more?
What else can i do?  How do i prevent this in the future?

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Re: Update:  green cloudy water

I agree you should have a reading on one of those tests. If the tank is cycled, then you should have nitrates.

Make sure you vacuum your gravel well. Leftover food and fish waste can bring it back. Keeping the lights on too long will also help in the bloom.

I would retest for nitrates, if still 0 get another test kit or have someone test your water.

PH won't add to the algae bloom.

Oct 22, 2002
Re: Update:  green cloudy water

I've done 2 water changes (maybe around 30-40% each time) since the 16th...every other day.  I've only fed the fish 1X...they still look fine.  I bought the only nitrate test the pet store had--"Dry-Tab".  I thought the zero was strange too but thought MAYBE bacause I had cleaned the gravel really well both times.  I don't know. I'll test it again tomorrow and see, and will bring a sample to the pet store.  I've left the tank covered too--it's still green.  i don't know what else to do, especially since I've never had a tank before.
Thanks for the help!