Update on my Clowns Good News


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
When I first put my Two Maroon clown fish in the tank, they stayed together for a few days till they got used to the tank, then the larger one of the two ( just a tad larger, not much) started shoving on the smaller one and then the larger one found our Rose Ann. at the other end of the tank and he stayed down at that end of the tank and the smaller one would stay at his end of the tank. When the larger one did come to the other end of the tank he would kinda shove on the smaller one till the smaller one went and hid till the larger one went back to the Rose Ann. and then the smaller one would come back out. Well, I got home from work today and the smaller one was at the same end as the larger one and they were acting like best buds. I haven't seen the smaller get into the Rose Ann. yet, but I was outside cutting the grass tonight so I didn't get to watch to see if the larger one would let him, but at least they are getting along now so I will take that as a good sign. We will just have to wait and see if this keeps up for a day or two.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
The behaviour that you witnessed was domination of the larger who will be come the female. She was making the smaller one submissive and as long as he submits to her they will be fine and it sounds like they are. You will see him lay over and kind of shimmy which is a submissive gesture. My percs do it all the time......just to reinforce who is boss. My clarkiis never really took to each other, they each stay in their own area with the larger female claiming the nem....the other hosts the xenia in the same tank just separated. I am seriously thinking of trading off the pair for a pair of maroons, though the tank may be too small for a maroon pair.....it is a 29g.....maybe I should switch out the percs to the 29 and introduce the maroon pair to the 75......just thoughts.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I have been watching tonight and even though they are getting along great, the larger one keeps the smaller one out of the Rose Ann. The Ann. is small.