Update with Photo

Apr 4, 2009
Thanks to everyone who chimed in on my previous post post: *DRUMMER*


I've now added 5 Black Skirt Tetras for a total of 6 .. and another Angelicus Botia Loach for a total of 2.

I've been told (at Petsmart) not to add too many fish at a time. *crazysmil

I'm thinking of adding the following:

Otocinclus Catfish -2

Boesemani Rainbow - 1

Cherry Barb - 2

Emerald Green Cory Cat - 1

Albino Aeneus Cory Cat - 1

Any ideas/suggestions/comments welcome. *thumbsups

BTW, I've attached an image of the "redone" tank.

Thanks in advance.


Mar 13, 2009
Poconos, PA
Its true that you can fully stock after the tank cycles w/o fish.
Once you have an established tank it is best to add fish slowly over a period of time so to avoid an ammonia spike. That is my understanding. Not sure how others would answer.

Also, the tank looks great as far as decorations. Great job *celebrate


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Corycats like to be in groups, they are schooling fish and will not be happy on their own. I wouldn't add otos unless you really like them because they easily starve to death without a food source and you would have to supplement their food. Cherry barbs are a great addition, a group of 3-5 would be nice, 4 females and a male would be very pretty, they kind of "bounce" around the tank. Rainbows are schooling fish as well and your tank really isn't big enough for them. I would go with some cherry barbs, a small school of corycats (the small ones, like albinos or pandas, the emeralds can get very large), and some sort of centerpiece fish like a paradise fish or gourami.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
I'd wait at least a week a test your levels to make sure your bacteria is keeping up with you. What are you thinking about adding? ottos would work but rainbows get like 4inches and need to be in schools, cherrys are mean in my experience and also need to be in groups, I dont think you really need any cories cause you already have loaches. How big is this tank again? I think I would add another loach and a centerpiece fish that doesnt need a group.