
Aug 18, 2004
Sonora, CA
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i appriciate all of your help...i went to the petstore today (before reading the reply posts) and this is what happened.

they guy said that he used all live sand in his tank, and it was ready to go...and that's why he suggested it for us. just cuz it's a lot easier to deal with, and you don't have to wait as long and what not. being a begginer, i just went for it. (he cut me a deal on it too...which was ethical at best) i also went ahead and did this cuz my friend has been stressed out about this, and hoped that if we at least got some fish in the tank, she would feel better about everything...and my plan worked. hopefully the fish live...or i hafta come up with a new plan :)

when i asked about the noise in the sump, he said that he didn't really know seeing as how we are the first people in the county to buy this newer sump system that just barely came out. luckily his friend from the adjacent county was there and was able to help me with that problem.

yesterday we put in all the water and the salt, and the salinity is ok according to our hydrometer. so that was good...i threw in the live sand, and got a couple of damsel fish (and a cleaner shrimp) and threw them all in there...so far, so good. everything seems to be ok, but im afraid that i've screwed up somewhere along the line. but if they live, then i guess im ok.

so that's the situation so far. if they live for a week or 2, then i think were going to invest more money in fish and a cleanup crew and whatnot. (probably the cleanup crew before the fish) and then maybe add just a little bit of live rock...enough to keep things "balanced" i don't really want it for decoration or a reef or anything like that. and then i think we'll have our tank for now.

but we are very open to this right now, and are trying to imagine the possibilites...and things are looking a lot better. as long as our wallets can keep up, i think we'll enjoy this a lot. i really appriciate all of your help. thanks a lot!!


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
Uh oh...If you just added the salt and water the day your livestockk was added you may have a problem. The saltwater should mix for at least 24hours before you put anything in the tank. Also the tank has not cycled yet so ammonia should shoot up. This will result in the death of your shrimp and possibly your damsels...about the shrimp, you did drip acclimate it right? This invert is very delicate and should go in the tank after the tank has been cycled.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Well this is a big old tank so a 'couple of damsels shouldn't really produce enough ammonia to kill themselves, especially with all that live sand.
I would leave it a bit more than a week or two before I added anything, and if I did add anything it would be the live rock first. Adding a single fish a month is not a bad rate at which to increase your stocking. Be very careful about what you buy. With your lack of experience most any disease that gets going in your tank is pretty likely to kill everything, either by itself or by an inappropriate medication (most are useless). Balance is a very, very good thing to have.
Please do th reading usually recommended. It's going to save you a hell of a lot of money and heartache.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
agreence with wayne and sam....you are making yourself more trouble down the road by not going slowly with this and in the appropriate order. Please, read a lot more and get some books before you do anything else...


Large Fish
Jul 16, 2004
Same here (the tiny fish says)... Take your time and enjoy what you have in the tank before you go out on a spending spree just to lose everything due to haste.

I also agree, and recommend, getting the liverock next. It adds character to the tank, but more importantly it adds filtration to the water. When you see algae building up you should start thinking about hermits/snails/stars, not before.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Might be a massive die off, might not.... depends on where it's from and so on. Adding 10 lbs of clean cured rock isn't going to cause any crashes
Not everybody buys uncured rock mail order.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
i think it is great to buy at the lfs...but, often times financially it doesn't make any sense...the price difference on ten pounds is probably not terribly significant, but the price difference on 50+ pounds can be. furthermore, if this lfs is as shady as it sounds, maybe its best not to support them. are there any others in the area?

edit: I need to learn to spell...or at least proofread *crazysmil

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