

Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
Hello All,

I recently purchased a 35 gallon tank and stand. I'm very excited as this is my largest tank to date. The purpose in buying a larger tank was so I could combine my two smaller tanks (I plan on using a divider) and only have one tank to deal with. As well as I wanted some of my desk space back (neither of my tanks have stands)!

The tank I bought didn't come with a filter (the only thing it didn't come with) so I'm curious as what filter brands people would suggest I get. I'm looking for something quiet(er) as the tanks are in my room. The only filter brands I have used are Aqueon and Aquaclear.

I'm also seeking suggestions on what I should do with the tank (stocking wise). 5 gallons with be given over to my DP, which leaves me 30 gallons to play with. *BOUNCINGS I plan on keeping all my tetra's so please keep them in mind when you make suggestions.

Suggestions on substrate brands would be great as well. I'm looking for something smaller grained (but not sand), black or dark in color and works well for planted tanks (I keep live plants). Sand for some reason kinda scares me....the possible trapped air bubbles and glass scratching.

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Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Id get a Whisper Filter thats made for a 35 gallon. The whispers i had have all been so quiet you cant even hear them and there wonderful. If I were in your shoes with that setup then i would do some sort of cichlid, perhaps some Kribs, or an Apisto Species. For the Bottom if you dont get a cichlid you could do some Nice cory species or perhaps a South American Bumblee Bee Catfish (The one i lost with the huge red knot) there not so active during the day thou. If you wanted a nice swimming regular fish for the bottom you could get some Cherry Barbs, mine wouldnt leave the bottom except feeding time. I guess it all depends on what you like :D


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
I didnt see your Edit at the bottom about the substrate, If your worried about trapped air bubbles in sand all you gotta do is get a burying species or some Malaysian Trumpet Snails and your set. The Banjo Catfish is a nice Burying species that I think is awesome, just some recomendations

Jan 31, 2009
Near LA
Aquariumplants.com has a plant-growing substrate that would probably work for you. If I remember correctly, black is the main color and other colors cost extra. The shipping is usually free and it comes in five-gallon buckets that they advertise as waterchange buckets.
My aquaclear filter doesn't always start back up after it has been unplugged, so unless you feel like taking a filter apart during waterchanges you might want to look for a different brand.

Aug 13, 2010
Sicklerville, NJ
I like play sand (it is not scary at all!) It is cheap, looks great and my plants do very well well with it! Santa brought me some fluorite (black) and I will be using that in a livebearer planted tank. As far as filter I use both AQ and Marineland, both are good and have there pros and cons. For quietness I think a canister is best although I have never had one.

Are you doing a HOB filter? I don't have suggestions for those, I've never liked them. But the Rena Filstar XP1 (2 or 3) and the Fluval 305 (I believe) are fantastic, I prefer the Rena but still feel that both are excellent. The Rena is on my 36 gallon, the Fluval on the 40. But I understand those canister filters are a bit pricey, but in my opinion worth it.

As for substrates and plants, I had a Flora base that worked great for the plants and natural look (it was tan) but it needed to be changed yearly as I found out and became ridiculously disgusting. So I wouldn't suggest the Red Sea Flora Base for that reason. I have play sand in my 10 gallon, it works well I suppose, it wouldn't be my first pick it was a cheap last resort for a guppy tank. I know play sand just like regular sand can also pose the risk of becoming too compacted and not allowing roots to grow, but some have excellent success with it. It's also pretty easy to clean. On my 40 gallon I have real thin thin sand, basically SW sand but its for FW tanks, it's gorgeous my fish love it, my planted plants, not so much. Also it isn't easy to clean, but I manage. Lastly my all time favorite that is far too expensive is the EcoComplete, it's gorgeous, easy to clean, my plants went crazy when I swapped from the Flora Base to that, pretty positive it was because the Flora Base became squishy and the roots couldn't go anywhere.

I'm sure there are other great substrates out there far cheaper than EcoComplete, but it's my top suggestion because of the ones I have used it has been the biggest success with at least 10 species of plants in that tank enjoying it.


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
EcoComplete is what I have in my other two tanks although it's not black. I was thinking of doing a fluorite top and EcoComplete bottom (taken from my old tank to help cycle). Or maybe I should just do all fluorite (that way the substrates won't mix)....would the plants really care either way?

While I would love to get a canister filter I think I will stick with HOB filter because they are cheaper (a lot cheaper) and I'm on a student budget (but I know what I want for Christmas next year). A little noise doesn't bother me....my current filters are relatively quiet.

I picked up the tank/stand today. The stand looks a little worn but nothing some black paint and glue can't fix. The tank is nice (no scratches that I can see). I will post some pictures once I get everything up and running. I have some washing and painting to do first though!

EcoComplete is what I have in my other two tanks although it's not black. I was thinking of doing a fluorite top and EcoComplete bottom (taken from my old tank to help cycle). Or maybe I should just do all fluorite (that way the substrates won't mix)....would the plants really care either way?

While I would love to get a canister filter I think I will stick with HOB filter because they are cheaper (a lot cheaper) and I'm on a student budget (but I know what I want for Christmas next year). A little noise doesn't bother me....my current filters are relatively quiet.

I picked up the tank/stand today. The stand looks a little worn but nothing some black paint and glue can't fix. The tank is nice (no scratches that I can see). I will post some pictures once I get everything up and running. I have some washing and painting to do first though!
I think the plants would be fine with a mix or you could just do all flourite, either one I think would work just fine.

And I definitely know how the student budget goes, school and fish tanks are just digging my grave haha.

Painting does wonders :)


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
Here is a picture of the tank and stand (empty). My parents bought me a new stand (I can live at home while I go to university...very nice and affordable) because they thought the other one was gross and ugly. Lol! I thought it was nice enough for the price I paid but whatever.

I can't decide what sort of background I should get. Design or just black or blue. Also does anyone know how you apply backgrounds on tanks beside using tape?

Stocking: *crazysmil
For the 30 gallon side I was thinking of rummynose tetra x 6, neon tetra x 6, glowlight tetra x 6, GBR x 2, oto x 3 and maybe some danios (x 3).
How does that sound? Can I happily house to 2 GBR in the same tank?



Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
What are the dimensions on your tank? Is that the 24 1/4 x 12 1/2 x 24 3/4 or 36 1/4 x 12 5/8 x 16 3/4? I suck at the dimensions thing. If its the long one you'd probably be okay with a mated GBR pair I "think". But if it's the x-high version I don't think the floor space is quite right. Don't quote me though.


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
Lol! Thanks. I'm kinda a Eeyore fan and when I was young I collected beanie babies (big collector) so they earned a special spot in my room.

Dimensions.....I don't know exactly. I know it's 30 across but not the depth or height (I will check later). Well I'm good with one GBR, I don't want any aggression issues.


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
Aquaclear in my opinion is the BEST HOB (hang on back) filter on the market. for a 35 gallon I would use an aquaclear 50. The following reasons are why they are the best.

When properly balenced they are quiet
They last FOREVER seriously I have an aquaclear 500 (now called 100) that i have had for 10 years!!!
The filtermedium doesn't need to be changed (like EVER) its a sponge, you just rinse and put it back in
They have a far higher output then the 2 canisters I have used and the whisper (fishman we are usually so in sync!!!!)
Canisters are messy to clean
The other hang on back models have these carbon pads that need to be changed and removed when they are full, it's costly and unnessisary as compared to the aquaclear.

They make an aquaclear 30 but I'd go 50 as I tend to like to over filter.

The issue with the filter filling and starting after power outages can be solved by pouring cups of water into the filter while it is starting. You shouldn't ever be taking the water down further then your filter sucks when you change water so really this is only a minor annoyance when the power goes out.

Background I like to paint my tanks. I use acrylic paint, you can scrape it off with a razor blade if/when you ever want to change it. Just use a sponge roller and paint it black/blue wait for it to dry and walah, no more nasty waterspots between the glass and background.