Hello All,
I recently purchased a 35 gallon tank and stand. I'm very excited as this is my largest tank to date. The purpose in buying a larger tank was so I could combine my two smaller tanks (I plan on using a divider) and only have one tank to deal with. As well as I wanted some of my desk space back (neither of my tanks have stands)!
The tank I bought didn't come with a filter (the only thing it didn't come with) so I'm curious as what filter brands people would suggest I get. I'm looking for something quiet(er) as the tanks are in my room. The only filter brands I have used are Aqueon and Aquaclear.
I'm also seeking suggestions on what I should do with the tank (stocking wise). 5 gallons with be given over to my DP, which leaves me 30 gallons to play with. *BOUNCINGS I plan on keeping all my tetra's so please keep them in mind when you make suggestions.
Suggestions on substrate brands would be great as well. I'm looking for something smaller grained (but not sand), black or dark in color and works well for planted tanks (I keep live plants). Sand for some reason kinda scares me....the possible trapped air bubbles and glass scratching.
I recently purchased a 35 gallon tank and stand. I'm very excited as this is my largest tank to date. The purpose in buying a larger tank was so I could combine my two smaller tanks (I plan on using a divider) and only have one tank to deal with. As well as I wanted some of my desk space back (neither of my tanks have stands)!
The tank I bought didn't come with a filter (the only thing it didn't come with) so I'm curious as what filter brands people would suggest I get. I'm looking for something quiet(er) as the tanks are in my room. The only filter brands I have used are Aqueon and Aquaclear.
I'm also seeking suggestions on what I should do with the tank (stocking wise). 5 gallons with be given over to my DP, which leaves me 30 gallons to play with. *BOUNCINGS I plan on keeping all my tetra's so please keep them in mind when you make suggestions.
Suggestions on substrate brands would be great as well. I'm looking for something smaller grained (but not sand), black or dark in color and works well for planted tanks (I keep live plants). Sand for some reason kinda scares me....the possible trapped air bubbles and glass scratching.
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