Updated pics of my 75G African tank.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Looking good. Love the blues in the fish.

I might suggest a background, you really don't realize how much difference it makes until you add one :). Especially with the light colored rock, it will make it stand out nicely.


Superstar Fish
Never liked the backgrounds as they get wet then they get faded even if you keep them dry. I normally keep a tank set-up for at least a decade and it seemed that I always had a position for the tank that made it almost impossible to change a faded background.
I like them painted the best but rarely have done that lately. To bad FW does not grow coralline as thats what I let my SW tanks do to the back glass. The last tank I set-up was my 150G SW tank and I painted it white and blue to look like the sky. I was pretty happy with that one.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
That's why I like the solid blue backgrounds (or the blue gradient ones). Even as it fades, it doesn't look like total crap. Plus I think it just plain looks better than the "decorated" backgrounds.

Looking at your picture of the water changes you do, you must take out the rocks when you change the water? I thought the "framework" rocks (the bricks and shelving look) was an odd arrangement (although functional). But it looks like the rest of the rocks normally cover it up to be a more aesthetically pleasing look. You can't even see the framework now.


Superstar Fish
The bricks and slate was updated to the new rock you see now about 2 weeks ago. Africans need a ton of place to hide so thats what the bricks and slate were for. This rock I have now works even better as its very holey and provides more spaces for the new additional number of fish. This is actually rock formations from the ocean and would normally be used in a SW tank.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Ok that makes even more sense. I couldn't figure out why you would want to dismantle the structure for each water change, but I figured to each his own... I thought, wow you did a good job hiding that framework - can't see it at all now! I definitely like the new look better.


Superstar Fish
Thank you!! I enjoy them all a lot. When we build our next house I will have less tanks but I will have a lot more water. We will only have 3 or 4 tanks. One will be our display tank in the wall which will be between 500 to 1000 gallon saltwater tank and in the adjoining room of that wall will be the fish room with all the equipment. In that room there will be a SW quarantine/hospital tank and a grow out tank at the least and maybe a FW tank for Africans or Oscars.