Updated pics of the 90, inspired by a new addition.


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
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Hey all, so alot has changed as far as occupants in my 90 gallon, mainly in the way of corals....some of these pics are nice, some not so much, I had just done a water change so that is why many of the leathers apear dilapidated....anyways here is the reason these pics are being posted...I had a pair of breeding cardinals for almost 2 years...they would have babies every so often and none of the babies ever survived...anyways about 4 months ago both cardinals were eaten by my hairy mushroom, which has gotten huge. I thought none of the fry had survived....but yesterday I found a juvenile cardinal living in the overflow of the tank! It had been in there for 4 months+ and had been growing nicely...it is a great specimen, and looks great, So at the end of this post are the pics of the cardinal himself and the overflow he had been living in.




Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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Ugh I'm on dialup and the first half of the pics loaded, but not the last half. From what I can see, great tank!
One question though. What room is your tank situated in? In the first pic it looks like we can see people in a shop of some sort...and then in the other pics there are walls full of alcohol...


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
awsome tank Ares. How long ago did you add the arrow crab? he seemed smaller than most I have seen. O yea and what type of goby is that sitting on the tank bottom? At first glance I thought it was a mandarin but went back to check and it wasnt.

That is one tough little cardinal I dont see how any fry would have made it into the overflow without going into the sump. I was expecting a small still growing one but he is a good size. Thats a pretty grousome end to his parents though.

again man nice tank

edit* i forgot to ask what spectrum bulks do you have on? 12k?


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
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it is sychropis splendis sp? it is a mandarin, common name psychedelic mandarin. There is a yellow watchman goby in there as well, but no pics of him in this last batch. I was also suprised at how large he was, but he had been in there for 4+ months. The bulbs are actinic, 420 nm, and the halides are 14K....it is a very blue tank.

the hairy mushroom was fine for the first year, but when it started to reach 8" in diameter small fish started disapearing...it has eaten to date...1 clown, 2 cardinals, and something else too. Everything in the tank now seems to be aware of it atleast...the two remaining clowns, one ocellaris and one onyx are now "paired off" so to speak. They hang out together and host in the sarco as well as the elephant ear. The elephant ear tries to eat them on a daily basis but they have wised up. I have named them hetero life mates, jay and silent bob....

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Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
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I have actually never seen another pair, but I don't think they are too tough. After one of my adult one's got eaten I tried adding another but the 1st adult killed the one I tried to add...so who knows.